Part 9

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Niki walked into the campus on Monday morning with heavy feelings and trepidations. When she received the call last Saturday she was reminded of her real situation. And it doesn't look good. That's because her scholarship program was actually directed from the same organization headed by the same person that called her. Her so-called 'sponsor' was the one planning to bring down The Kims and Park family. She wanted Niki to create chaos between the members and to do that she needed to start with Lisa.

However, it didn't seem to be difficult since the first thing she saw when she walked into her first class for the day was Lisa herself, waving her arms frantically gesturing for her to sit on the empty seat beside her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as soon as she sat beside the tall girl.

She looked around but she only found Lisa's guards a few seats behind them. No sight of the other three members.

"Where are the rest of the members?" She asked again.

Lisa rolled her eyes and just shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm not in the mood to be near them at the moment."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Just because. I don't want to talk about it. I just want to do something different today. So I thought hey... who else is my friend and I remember it's you!" Lisa pointed at her excitedly.

Niki smiled at the innocent answer. Why would her sponsor want her to use Lisa when she was this nice?

"Do you have class after this?"

"No. Only this one. At first I was thinking of joining Minnie and Sorn at the library, but I'm not in the mood to study. So I'll just be at the dorm hanging out watching movies alone."

Lisa looked down, playing with her fingers. "Do you mind if I tag along? I have no plans after this either."

"Well, sure. But aren't your members going to look for you?"

Lisa shook her head. "Nah, they are busy with work. They don't care what I do. So we'll meet after this class, yeah?"

When Niki nodded, Lisa jumped up happily making everyone in the class look in their directions. Even the professor stopped his initial lecture halfway ready to scold whoever dared to interrupt him. But when he saw Lisa walking down the stairs waving to him, his disapproving frown disappeared. Lisa stood in front of him, bowed 90 degrees and Niki swore she saw the start of a smile on the professor's face. Professor Yang never smiled.

"Sorry to interrupt your class, uncle. I'm just saying hi to a friend. Oh..tell Aunty I said hello!"

"I will Lisa. Now get the hell out of my class."

Lisa saluted her uncle, bowing her apology again before she left the class. Niki heard everyone in the class chuckle at Lisa's peculiar behavior.

Niki shook her head. Their interactions earlier must be some kind of prank. Why would Lisa want to join her after school? Seemed that she made it so much easier for her to execute her plan like this. She walked out of the lecture hall an hour later and looked around the empty hallway. Guessed Lisa forgot about their deal.

She continues walking to the main lobby but still no Lisa in sight. As she started to walk towards the bus stop, she heard the sound of a loud bike revving from behind her. She ignored it and continued on her journey. The stretch of the road was empty except for the lone person on the black bike and the black car behind it. 

They kept following her. Is she going to be kidnapped? She did hear the news that students who walked alone at night got kidnapped while going back to their dorm. They will cut her up and sell her organ in the black market.

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