"Oops that was an accident!" I lie. Jessica's face contorts and she stands up. I start laughing. She grabs me and throws me into the water. All the boys whoop," Ahh yeah! Cat Fight!!" My head pops up, out of the water and I pull Jessica in with me. Carla justs stares at us. Jessica starts splashing me and pulls Carla in for no reason. I swim away from the fight and over to the boy's boat. I start to rock it, causing them to fall into the water. We all start to splash each other. I look around and spot Kobe, he didn't look amused. I swim over to him.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Why were you fighting with Jessica?" He asks seriously.

"Because she was being demanding and annoying."

"Paris, she is my friend."

"I'm sorry, but after she hugged you I got a little jealous," I confess.

"Really? Jessica is just a friend, and I would never cheat on you." I smile and give him a kiss. I guess I was overreacting just a little with Jessica, but she is beautiful and very clingy with Kobe.


The next day Carla, Kobe, all of Kobe's family, and myself all went to the park and had a picnic. Carla and I just hung out together, we didn't really know his extended family that well. After that we all went bowling. In fact pretty much the rest of the week was exactly like this. Friday night Kobe and I went to the secret lake spot on a little date.

"So do you like Michigan,"Kobe asks.

"Yes, it is absolutely beautiful. I don't want to go back home."

"Why not?"

"Well none of my friends will talk to me."

"You can hang out with your guy friends, they are talking to you."

"Yeah, but I sort of need my girl friends."

"You four will work it out, you always do."

"I know Summer, Kailah, and Lina will forgive me, but I'm not sure Aimee will."

"Of course she will, Aimee really likes you."

"Is that what she is telling everybody?" I ask smirking.

"Yeah, aren't you guys friends?"

"I have already told you my assumptions of who she is."

"Samantha? Really?"

"Actually yes, I do think she is."

"What makes you think that?"

"Oh I don't know maybe that she is threatening me to stay away from you, or that she practically admitted it to me, or maybe that she has a picture of you holding hands with Samantha!"

"Wait what!" Kobe exclaims shocked," Why didn't you tell me!"

"Because you never believed me."

"Did you tell anyone else about this?"

"Yeah all my guy friends, except you, Carson, and Jack because you guys love her."

"Paris-" Kobe stops talking and looks over at some bushes. I heard a rustling sound coming from them.

"What was that?" I ask.

"I don't know..." Kobe replies. All of a sudden people pop out of the bushes. It was Carla, Jessica, and some more of Kobe's friends.

"Surprise!" They exclaim.

"We are throwing you a little going away party, since we won't see you until summer!" His friends annonuce.

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