Chapter 32: Honoring the Red Eyed King

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Sairaorg: My Besto Friendo!

Everyone stood silent for seconds that felt like it was turning to minutes. Suddenly, the Gremory Devils reacted to sudden shock, even Akeno.

Gremory Devils: EH?!

Hajime just snickered and turned his smile into a smirk.

Hajime: Hey Bro. It's been a while.

Issei's Mind: (Did he just call him Bro?!)

Sona: Yeah....after your engagement party Rias, Hajime and Sairaorg became friends. They even fought guards together while Issei was fighting Riser.

Rias: How did I not see that?!

Asia: No way...those two together?!

Gremory Devils: WhaaaaAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!

Now, to Current
Akamizu Residence
3rd Person POV
Standing in the middle of the living room were Hajime and Sairaorg, who stood facing each other off.

Hajime then snicked at Sairaorg and the two moved their right arms out and the two hi fived one another on the side, with closed eye smiles on the side.

Issei looked astonished at what he saw. He then shook his head and rubbed his eyes.

Issei: Ugh...Dude...That's just crazy man.

Hajime: What can I say...? Crazy shit happens in the Underworld.

Tsubaki: Are you sure that's from the from the Underworld itself...? Or is it just you literally starting every fight that is imaginable in the Underworld?

Hajime: Both.

Tsubaki raised her eyebrows in a somewhat worrying manner.

Tsubaki: That's not necessarily the best answer here.

Hajime: Well, it's my answer...And I have no shame. Because being ashamed of yourself is all about burying your potential!

Issei's eyes just widened to what Hajime had just spat out of his mouth.

Issei's Mind: (So fucking awesome!!!)

Rias: Sairaorg...What exactly brings you here?

Sairaorg: Just thought I'd see if my best friend here is gonna make the party tonight.

Hajime: Hm?

Suddenly, Issei looked confused.

Issei: What...? I don't get it.

Akeno: If I remember right, it's about when Hajime defended Millicas just moments before he returned.

Issei: Woah...! Hajime did all that?!

Hajime chuckled a bit.

Hajime: Didn't Azazel literally talk about this? What's your memory like, mongrel?

Issei: I'm not a mongrel!

Koneko: If you forgot, then maybe you are one.

Issei cried tears, as if his feelings were hurt. But it was more in a comedic way.

Issei: Koneko!!!

Hajime shook his head and sighed. He turned to Rias, who had spoken up.

Rias: My brother's going to be there, along with Serafall as well for this gathering. There will be many Devil Nobles attending this party, including Seekvaira Agares.

Hajime: Remind me again. Isn't she that one girl who is apparently interested in meeting me?

Rias: You'd be correct.

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