Chapter 29: A Date With The Queen

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Gremory Train
3rd Person POV
Saji: So there's no memory of anything that happened?

Hajime: No. I can't remember everything that happened when I was in a corrupted state.

Saji and Hajime were seen talking alone with one another.

Saji: Damn. So it's like it was all just a bad dream. Wasn't it?

Hajime: Close enough. All I could see was darkness and then...Alastor.

Saji: Like a different you was out there.

Saji turned to Hajime.

Saji: Hey so, I got a question.

Hajime: Okay. Shoot.

Saji: If you were cursed and all you could remember was nothing. Could it be the same way with your mom?

Hajime: Yeah. Probably. Maybe. I don't know to be honest. She was without a doubt cursed way longer than I was, so the chances she remembers any fragments of when she was is very slim. Don't even know the current status about her.

Saji: Actually, just before the fight with Loki, Issei captured her. He said something that her curse may have been lifted too.

Hajime turned to Saji.

Hajime: Is that so?

Saji nodded. In response, Hajime turned away, looking back down and pulled out his phone.

Hajime: Then it's a family miracle. At least maybe for my dad.

Tsubasa soon walked over to the boys.

Tsubasa: Sona's about to speak. You should listen.

Saji turned to Tsubasa, who turned to Sona and the others. Hajime was still on his phone.

Sona: Listen up. Once we're back in the human realm, school returns. So if there is work you need to get done, tonight might be your best chance to get it done. Do you understand?

Sitri Peerage: Yes Miss President.

Sona nodded.

Sona: Very well. Rias informed me the stop is getting close. So let's be ready to get off and go home.

Tsubaki: Understood.

Meanwhile, Ruruko turned around and walked towards Saji and Hajime. Once there, only Saji saw her. Hajime was still on his phone.

Ruruko: Just so you know, Akamizu. I won't forgive you for that stunt you pulled! So you better take responsibility for what you did!

Hajime then tapped Saji on the shoulder, which caused the blonde boy to have turned to him. Saji looked over at Hajime to see something.

Saji: Did you change your phone screen?

Hajime turned his phone screen to Saji with a casual smile on his face.

Hajime: Isn't she hot?~

Ruruko grew annoyed. She ended up raising her voice at them.

Ruruko: LISTEN TO ME!!!

Ruruko's actions however, got Sona's attention. Mainly because of what Hajime asked about the phone screen. She could be seen darting her eyesight on Hajime himself.

Soon, the train made the announcement that they have reached the human realm stop. The doors opened and Hajime stood up and walked out, leaving his phone where he was.

As everyone was walking out, Sona grabbed Hajime's phone and looked at the screen as she got out.

To her, she found herself to be surprised a bit. What she saw on his screen in a way, made her heart race. Her face grew a very light pink tint, one that would go completely unnoticeable.

HighSchool DxD: The Fallen Red Eyed King (Original Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin