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Everything in the emergency room is racing against time. You can feel that the air here is anxious, everyone here is nervous, their steps are hurried, and even the words they speak are the simplest words.

The doctors and nurses working here are the best comrades. No need to speak, just a look, they can perfectly match each other.

The assistant director and cameraman chased Jiang Yanxi to the emergency room, carefully moving to the corner without daring to make a sound.

"Let, let, let—" The nurse here also has a very hot temper.

No matter if you are a political tycoon or a billionaire, even if the King of Heaven comes, this is a place where you compete with the King of Hell for people.

The sound of ambulances was heard constantly, and the stretchers were lifted off and quickly sent to the emergency room. The air was filled with the strong smell of blood and disinfectant.

Most of the emergency cases brought to the neurosurgery department are brain injuries and hemorrhages caused by car accidents, falls from heights, fights, etc.

For example, the patient Jiang Yanxi is taking over now is a patient who was hospitalized in a car accident.

Dr. Song, who was sitting in the emergency department of neurosurgery today, saw Jiang Yanxi as if he had seen a savior. "Director Jiang, this patient is in critical condition. The intracranial pressure is very high. He has been given intravenous antihypertensive drugs and needs emergency craniotomy..."

Jiang Yanxi asked: "What do the CT results say?"

Dr. Song: "Subdural hematomas on both foreheads and left temporal parietal, subarachnoid hemorrhage... it's traumatic brain herniation."

Listening to this long list of unfamiliar words The medical terms are frightening, and the assistant director and the cameraman who is filming nearby are also worried.

Shen Nanzhou watched Jiang Yanxi arrange the surgery calmly. In the noisy emergency room, she was the center of attention. The crowds of people rushing beside her became phantoms, and she alone shone brightly.

Jiang Yanxi took a stack of documents from the nurse on the side and asked, "Where are the family members?"

The nurse said, "I called, but the family members refused to come."

Jiang Yanxi glanced at the middle-aged man lying there in a bloody state. He was in his forties, in his prime, and was supposed to be the backbone of the family. If something happened, why would the family not want to come?

Jiang Yanxi asked: "Where is the person who sent him here?"

The nurse said: "This person drove a battery car and ran through a red light and hit a Porsche. The owner of the car sent him to the hospital, and he left. He said he would contact the insurance company if he had anything to do."

Jiang Yanxi: "Give me the phone number of the family member."

The nurse quickly pressed down the eleven-digit phone number on the office phone nearby.


The nurse said helplessly, "It was hung up."

Jiang Yanxi frowned slightly: "Call again and ask the medical department to contact the police. I asked the director for instructions to do the operation first, and asked the operating room to do it first. Good preparations."

Jiang Yanxi said to Dr. Song: "You go and prepare first."

The nurse said: "Director Jiang, the call is on!"

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