Chapter 7 Reunion after a long separation

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The camera focused on Jiang Yanxi in time. She was born to be the center of focus, and the camera couldn't help but take a few more clips.

Jiang Yanxi said: "Beds 1, 18, 19, 26, 27, 29, 36, and 45 are all our patients. Beds 1 and 18 are new patients. We need to write down hospitalization records and first-trip records; beds 19 and 26 are If you are going to be discharged from the hospital today, you need to give a medical order for discharge; beds 27, 29, and 36 may need dressing changes... For the rest, just check if there are any missing ward rounds records, preoperative summary, postoperative summary, just make up for it... Afternoon There will be new patients coming in, and I will go with you to pick them up."

Jiang Yanxi said a long list of words in one breath. Shen Nanzhou kept a smile on his face, but his mind was already dizzy. He could already think of what would happen in his head later. The added subtitle "Medical novice·faced with confusion".

The staff next to me handed over a white coat with the words "Haido City University Affiliated Hospital" written in red above the left breast pocket.

Shen Nanzhou took it, unfolded it in the air in one go, put it on, and buttoned it up one by one with a little urgency but still grace: "I'm ready, Director Jiang." The

brand new white coat outlined his thin shoulders and slender waist , it seems that the most proud sculptures of Greek artists have an indescribable asceticism.

"Pa-ta-" Jiang Yanxi's approach was unexpected, and she hung the badge on Shen Nanzhou's pocket: "Hang this."

When Shen Nanzhou came to his senses, Jiang Yanxi had already retreated three steps away from him. From a distance, her expression was calm and aboveboard, which made it appear that Shen Nanzhou's petty thoughts were invisible to others.

Shen Nanzhou's nose still smelled of her faint bamboo fragrance. He lowered his head and buckled the name tag silently. When he raised his head again, he had put on a skilled business smile. He said to the camera: "I didn't expect that there is something else. I'm a little nervous about the internship card."

The camera zoomed in on the badge on Shen Nanzhou's left chest. It was a white card similar to a business card. On the left was a one-inch ID photo of Shen Nanzhou with a blue background and the words " The name of Shen Nanzhou belongs to the department: Teaching Office, which means intern.

Shen Nanzhou's eyes quickly passed over Jiang Yanxi's badge: Jiang Yanxi,

deputy chief physician of neurosurgery 12069. A secret nostalgia for home suddenly arose in his heart: She was as outstanding as ever, like the bright moon hanging high in the sky of a fifteen-year-old boy. , gentle and distant. However, the bright moon shines on the world, and the moon is not his only moon. Shen Nanzhou hid his disappointment and followed Jiang Yanxi. Jiang Yanxi stopped at the door of the ward and said: "Beds 1 and 18 were both transferred from the outpatient clinic. Bed 1 is young and had been treated in other hospitals due to progressive vision loss and proptosis in the right eye. Press "Optic Nerve of the Right Eye" "Atrophy" treatment had no effect. He was transferred to our hospital. It was initially suspected that there was a tumor in the brain ventricle. According to the follow-up examination, surgery may be necessary. The patient in bed 18 was an old man who had undergone surgery before. Recently, new things had grown. Because of his age, If it is too big, no more surgery can be performed. It will most likely require conservative treatment, mainly to relieve pain." Jiang Yanxi said: "Let's ask bed 1 first. If you have any questions, don't ask me on the spot. Ask me after you leave the ward. You are responsible for bed 18. Ask." Shen Nanzhou's hand holding the whiteboard and pen was stunned: "Me?" Jiang Yanxi gave him a strange look: "They said you were very well prepared." Needless to say, they were referring to the program team, who must be too talkative. Leo let it slip that since Shen Nanzhou knew he was going to be on the show, he had gained a lot of knowledge about medical treatment. He also secretly downloaded Jiang Yanxi's academic papers from academic websites and studied them carefully. The result is... I don't understand. Most of them are in English. He knows every word and sentence, but why can't he understand them when they are connected together? Shen Nanzhou said: "I understand a little bit." He laughed at himself: "It's just that medical knowledge is vast, and I, a layman, still have many shortcomings." Jiang Yanxi then remembered that Shen Nanzhou was not the students she had taught before. , it is really difficult for him to ask a popular star to do this. Although in Jiang Yanxi's eyes, this is an extremely simple thing that can be learned in five minutes. Jiang Yanxi was stunned for a moment and said: "Okay..." The assistant director next to him smiled and said: "Director Jiang, let Xiao Shen give it a try. He graduated from the Imperial Academy of Drama and is also a top student! Let him learn from you , Xiao Shen is very smart." The assistant director didn't know the past events between Jiang Yanxi and Shen Nanzhou. However, Shen Nanzhou felt a little embarrassed. His fans had never heard of his rainbow fart before, saying that he had a serious academic background, took into account both cultural and artistic achievements, and was a breath of fresh air in the entertainment industry... But he was called a top student in front of Jiang Yanxi , this... Shen Nanzhou quietly lowered his eyes to look at her, but saw that her expression was as usual, and she even nodded: "Okay, then you will remember what I said later, and follow it when you ask 18 about the bed later. " Shen Nanzhou didn't know whether he was worried or happy for a moment, but there was a secret joy in his heart, because she indirectly admitted that she was okay. Jiang Yanxi pushed open the door of the ward, and a strong smell of disinfectant chlorine hit her nostrils, mixed with the wet smell of the air conditioner that had been turned on for a long time. This was a mixed ward with a total of six beds, three on the east side and three on the west side. When Jiang Yanxi asked, Shen Nanzhou was writing furiously beside him. "Hello, I am Dr. Jiang from the Department of Neurosurgery. What is your name? How old are you? What kind of work do you do? Why did you come to our hospital for treatment?" " My name is Zheng Hongmei. I am 32 years old. I am a worker in a cardboard factory. I am five years old. Years ago, my eye was hit by an asbestos block. It was nothing at the time, but then I couldn't see clearly. I went to our local hospital for treatment, but it didn't help. Then I became blind in the right eye... I suspected that they were messing around! No. Give me your skills! Doctor, you are a big hospital, but you must cure my eyes... I have old people and children at home, and my husband is useless, so I still have to support the family..." Zheng Hongmei rambled on. , As he spoke, he went off topic, and Shen Nanzhou's writing pen slowly stopped. Jiang Yanxi interrupted her in time: "Then what symptoms appeared this time?" Zheng Hongmei: "The eye hurts, no, it's because of the severe swelling. My blind right eye suddenly became severely swollen two months ago. Others would say it's abnormal..." Zheng Hongmei's right eye is slanted and protruding, and she does look strange. Jiang Yanxi asked: "Does this eye hurt all the time? Does it hurt more during the day or at night? Does it come in bursts or is it continuous? Have you taken any medicine?" Shen Nanzhou found that Jiang Yanxi asked the question very quickly, barely giving Zheng Hongmei any advice. Given the chance to talk more, Zheng Hongmei wanted to go off topic several times, but Jiang Yanxi interrupted her in time and pulled her back. Shen Nanzhou wrote down the steps of Jiang Yanxi's consultation on a white paper one by one. He found that these steps were consistent with the information he had consulted before, but they also had Jiang Yanxi's personal style of being to the point, asking all questions, and asking the key points in just a few words. at. Jiang Yanxi asked the last question and said: "Zheng Hongmei, let me confirm with you the symptoms you just mentioned. Five years ago, you were hit by an asbestos block in your right eye while working. You had no obvious discomfort at the time and your vision was not impaired. Two weeks later, I found that the vision in my right eye was reduced and my vision was blurry. I had been treated for optic atrophy in my right eye at the local hospital, but no effect was seen. Two months ago, I suddenly felt swelling and pain in my right eye..." "I was born in my native place. Works locally, has never been to other places, has no habit of smoking or drinking, menstrual period is 4/31-32, has no history of dysmenorrhea, got married at the age of 25, is pregnant with a son and a daughter, both parents have had high blood pressure for many years, and denies other medical conditions..."

Jiang Yanxi quickly repeated the information that Zheng Hongmei had just provided. The cameraman and assistant director next to him became silent. They couldn't help but hold their breath. They felt a sense of fear of being dominated by a top student in school.

After leaving the ward and standing in the corridor, Jiang Yanxi took Shen Nanzhou's whiteboard from his hand and glanced at it: "It's very good. I'll teach you how to write the medical records later."

Jiang Yanxi took Shen Nanzhou to 18 Bed, gave him the position of consultation.

18 There was a thin old man sitting on the bed, half sitting on the bed, leaning on the cushions behind him, looking at Shen Nanzhou and the cameraman next to him with interest.

Shen Nanzhou took a deep breath in his heart, smiled and asked: "Hello, I am Dr. Shen. Now I want to ask some personal information about you."

The uncle put his hand back: "You can ask."

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