Freedom till the end

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Friday 24th May

Samantha Cooper had always been the type to send Kayla straight to her room after she's done something bad but today was not that day.

They both were in the car, on the way to the local cafe in Penny Hills. Kayla was confused, was she in trouble? She had to be.

They pulled up to the cafe and walked inside and sat in the booth in the corner. Nobody spoke, it was quiet. Only about 5 people were actually in there but all you could hear were the 90s music playing in the background.

Samantha handed Kayla a menu, "I'm gonna order an espresso, you have an idea what your gonna order?"

"Um no not yet, maybe just a chocolate milkshake.." Kayla looked up to her mother who was just staring down at the menu.

"Good.. good."

It was really awkward.. what was actually happening at this point?

The front door opened and to her surprise, it was Harrison and Parker Monroe.

Did her mother plan all of this? After everything!?

The two sat down with them in the booth. Parker next to Kayla and Harrison with Samantha.

"So did you tell her?" Harrison finally said.

"No not yet.." Samantha replied drinking her espresso.

"Tell me what? The reason I'm here?"

"Yep, we've all discussed it and.."

"We need to be honest with each other." Parker said interrupting his father.

"What do you mean?" Kayla said with concern.

"Spencer's my cousin."

"From his mothers side that is.." Harrison added.

"Yea, my mums side. He's the one I'd always visit when I'd come here.. plus my dad."

Samantha and Kayla looked at each other, confused but pleased that they are actually talking.

"When I said Spencer was from my past.. that is what I meant. He's the reason I'm here with my dad right now."

Harrison caught by surprised, "Parker.."

"Spencer told my mum that I stole this family heirloom thing but it was really him but she obviously believed him and that's why I'm here. I got kicked out."

Parker felt better now that it was all released, everything bottled up was gone. He felt free.

"Speaking of Spencer.." Kayla spoke up, not feeling regret for what she will say.

"I- I went to a party with Ruby a couple months ago, way before her and Spencer were a couple. And let's just say he made me feel even more insecure than I was before.."

"Kayla, you don't need to say this.." Samantha added.

"No I do. Spencer is the reason why I'm scared to even walk on my own, to be on my own even! He's the reason why I go to the counsellor every week. He is the reason why I don't open up easily."

"Kayla what do you mean.. what happened between you and him?" Parker said holding her hand as she started to shake.

"Spencer.. he tried to kiss me when I didn't want to and he just kept forcing me to do stuff. I tried to tell Ruby when they first got together but she just wouldn't listen." She started tearing up.

"It's alright.." Parker pulled her closer and held her tight, hugging each other.

"Told you this was a good idea.." Harrison said with a smirk.

"Shut up Harrison, read the room" Samantha said.

All four of them started laughing after she said that. Made everyone feel a whole lot better.

No matter what will happen in school or out, they will always find a way to be there for each other.

Always and forever.

The end!

Kayla eventually told the school about Spencer and he got expelled.
Ruby got suspended for two weeks but after those two weeks, her mother sent her to a boarding school.
Thomas Cooper got a promotion as well as his wife, Samantha.
Harrison Monroe and Parker went on a father-son bonding trip.
Freddie ended up winning a video game contest.
The two families ended up going on a holiday together.
Kayla got a scholarship to Princeton in her senior year!
Parker ended up working at his father's company.
Parker started talking to his mother again but the heirloom was still never found.

I know it's a really fast ending but I am planning on making another book soon,
I hope you all liked this fast-paced type of book and any questions please feel free to ask.

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