The truth about Parker Monroe

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Wednesday 22nd May

Spencer had walked into his next class, maths. He saw the usual people. Mr Olode, Andrew Sands, Scarlett Davis, Kayla Cooper.. his eyes stayed focused on her. Her hair was pushed to the side, showing part of her charm necklace that her father had got her for Christmas.

Students in class were throwing paper, sleeping on the desk, even running around and eating but she didn't look up once, she had already started on the questions. As he walked more in the room he felt his heart beat much faster.. he knew that he had to break Parker and Kayla up. He hated Parker, he wanted him to suffer. But it would also mean that Kayla would have to be suffering.

All he could hear was Ruby's voice in his head telling him to tell Kayla about Parker. The true Parker. Spencer knew what he had to do. He couldn't bear to ruin someone else's life but he also didn't want to ruin Ruby's life and let her down. As he sat down in his seat, just two away from Kayla, he thought of how to tell her. How to tell her that the guy she's known isn't really a person she should trust.

Spencer had ripped a piece of paper out of his maths book and quickly wrote something down before Mr Olode would notice. He's left handed which left most of the writing all smudged up from rushing, but he knew that she would understand what he wrote.

"Hey could you pass this down to Kayla?" He said folding it then handing it to Andrew Sands.

Andrew didn't have a care in the world what was going on, Spencer's never spoken to him before but if he says to do something he'll do it.

"Kayla here's a piece of paper that Spencer gave." He said while going back into his hibernation.

She received the note and opened it under the desk without Mr Olode looking. She read it bit by bit, confused and upset. She worded to him, 'why would I believe anything you say?' Spencer didn't know what to say, he knew that Kayla didn't trust him. He just turned away and ignored her telling himself not to look back.

The note was short and rushed but Kayla understood most of it.
Look me and Rubes are just tryin to help u. Parker ain't a nice guy trust me. I've known him for years. He used to live with his mum back in Brooklyn but he had to move back with his dad over here cause of some messed up stuff. I can't say it all on here but just come talk to me after school in detention I'll tell you everything I swear.

She didn't know who to trust, Spencer who she's known for a couple months now but whom she hates or Parker who she's known for a few days but whom she likes.. it had to be Parker. She didn't want to listen to some rubbish Spencer had to say. But then again why would he try so hard to break her and Parker up.. did he want to help?

The bell was soon to ring to indicate that it was time to go home.. but for someone people they still had to stay behind. Wether it was for a club, a meeting, or detention. Parker and Kayla both had detention for being in the art room when they weren't supposed to. Kayla was already up and walking to get to the hall when Spencer came and started walking beside her.

"So do you wanna know about what happened or not, you didn't exactly give me an answer."

"I don't want to know.. just go away Spencer." She said abruptly.

"Look I know you hate me but if you hear the things that Parker's done you'll thank me for it." He said still following her.

Spencer felt that if he doesn't tell Kayla, Ruby would never forgive him. He didn't let Kayla answer this time, he grabbed her arm and pulled her into an unoccupied room looking outside the door to make sure nobody was nearby.

"Spencer what is wrong with you I need to go, move." Kayla said trying to push past him.

He wouldn't move, his entire body was like a brick. He was blocking the doorway to make sure she wouldn't leave. He gestured Kayla to sit and calm down.

"Look I need to say this and I don't care if it takes all night. You need to know."

"Know what. Parker isn't a bad guy." She said placing her bag on the floor.

"I knew Parker since we were kids, me and him used to be the best of friends. We both grew up in Brooklyn but from time to time he'd always come over here to visit his dad. We would always play football together, stay over each others houses for lunch.. that sort of stuff. But every time he came back from his dads he was a different person."

"What do you mean different?"

"Different as in he'd get into trouble more and more often. It got so bad my parents didn't even want him staying over anymore. I didn't mind it until.. until the threats started coming."

"Threats? Parker threatening you?! He would only do that if you annoyed him, which knowing you.. you most probably did."

"Not me. He threatened my parents. They told him to stop hanging around with me and he didn't like it. I think his mum found out and tried to talk some sense into my parents but it didn't work and he got mad. He ended up throwing tissue all over the front of our house and whenever my parents came over to his house to tell him to stop, he'd always tell them to leave him alone or else he'd make them pay. It got so bad my dad ended up moving the three of us over here. Seeing him at school on Monday, it just brought back memories that shouldn't have come back."

Kayla didn't know what to say, she was shocked and lost for words. It couldn't have been Parker that said this. Parker told her that whenever he came to Penny Hills he felt happy cause of the waterfall and seeing his cousin. This wasn't that same Parker.

"Why should I believe anything you say for all I know you could be lying!" Kayla said as she got out of her seat ready to leave.

"I'm not asking you to believe me, I just want you to listen so you know what type of guy he really is. I don't want to see you get hurt." Spencer said stepping in front of her.

She didn't know what to do. She trusted Parker but all the words that Spencer was saying he felt scared just to admit to them. His emotions felt true.

"I'll think about it tonight Spencer. I got to go. Just don't tell anyone else about this, wether it's true or not."

She stormed off, leaving Spencer in there all alone. He felt lost, did he do the right thing in telling Kayla? Will it work and will they break up? He didn't know what to do.

Kayla had walked into detention late but Mrs Lyles, the English teacher, was running detention and she was fast asleep. She had found a seat and wondered if Spencer was right.. not realising who she ended up sitting near.

"Piano girl, where you been?"

She turned to come face to face with Parker. Kayla was speechless. "Umm I got lost.."

"On the way to the hall? I've been here much shorter than you and even I know my way around the school grounds." Parker said trying to get her to smile. He could sense something was off.

"Good for you." She turned back around to focus on reading her book, she had to ignore Parker. Even if Spencer was wrong, she didn't know what to believe.

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