Oh noodles.

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Thursday 23rd May

Kayla had watched a movie on Netflix and then got up to make some lunch. Got a pack of noodles and put them in a pan until they started bubbling, while waiting she went over to her phone to see if anyone had sent a message. It was a message from Parker asking her why she didn't tell him. Tell him what? What was he talking about.

She looked at the time on her phone and realised it was almost lunch for Parker, she called him to see if he picked up in which he did. Surprised that she called him, Parker asked her many questions but most were if she was ok.

"I'm fine Parker really but what did you mean on message when you said 'why didn't you tell me' tell you what?"

"Ruby came up to me about an hour ago telling me about how you got into some trouble a couple months ago? Telling me I should stay away from you for your own benefit." A sound of a locker closing in the background blocked out his last couple of words, but Kayla could still word it out.

"How on earth could she tell you! That was between me and her, look Parker I'm sorry I didn't want you to find out.."

He had interrupted her before finishing her sentence, "I don't care about any of that Kay I only care about how you feel and your privacy. If you felt like you didn't want to tell me then you shouldn't feel like you should have to."

Love and warmth grew in the room, Kayla thought that her feelings were making the kitchen feel hot but it was actually the noodles bubbling up and steaming the place up.

"Oh noodles! Umm Parker I've got to go, Can we talk about this later?"

"Of course piano girl I'll see you later." He made a kiss noise on the phone and just before the call hung up and started laughing to himself repeating Kayla saying 'oh noodles!'.

An hour before the call : Parker's view

Ruby was still mad from when Kayla hung up the call, not even giving her a chance to talk. She wanted revenge. Revenge that would be a success.

Just then while she was thinking of a way to make Kayla pay, Parker walked past her heading to his next class. With one shoulder holding his bag and his untied shoe laces flapping about in every step he took, Ruby started chasing up after him, "Parker Monroe what a pleasure it is to see you!"

"Umm hey Ruby what's up, thought you hated me?" He said still walking trying to ignore her.

"Oh I do but I just thought you'd want to know a bit about Kayla.."

"Whatever I want to know about Kayla comes from her not anyone else. Get lost Wilson I'm trying to not get a detention for being late?" Parker said as he sped up leaving Ruby in the dust.

"Fine just thought you'd want to know how she ended up in a jail cell overnight.. but I guess not."

Parker had froze and turned around to see Ruby with a big smile on her face. "You look like Pennywise with that smile"

"Ouch ok. Anyways don't you want to know a bit more about your girlfriend? I have timeee." Ruby said slowly drawing back her smile.

"We'll I don't. And I mean that for both, I don't want to know about my girlfriend because it's her choice wether she wants to tell me or not. You don't get to make that choice for her... and I don't have time so I'm going and don't follow me this time."

"You'll regret it Parker!" She said trying to get his attention while he was already walking away.

"Go annoy some other people Pennywise. In fact I think they do red balloons over at the park just for you!" He said before entering his next class.

Ruby had thought that telling him about Kayla would work but nothing would separate the two, nothing at all.

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