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Tuesday 21st May

The moment felt like it lasted forever. It was magical. Kayla's first kiss and she was glad it was her first. She then grew to be unsure if Parker felt the same way. Was it just a kiss for him and it meant nothing?

They both got out the car and they walked in school together, all eyes turn to them. The bad boy and the good girl walking in together, what will people think?

Kayla looked up to Parker, 'I'm gonna head to Art, it's my first class and it's all the way at the end so I better start getting there now.'

'Ok I'll head to my class then, maybe. I'll see how I feel.' He laughed as he said it. Then he gave Kayla a kiss on the cheek.

She started walking and just started smiling and going all red, OMG OMG OMGGG!

As she walked in art, she went to sit down behind a canvas ready to start painting. 'Kayla, not even a hello??' Mr Turner said out of nowhere. He was the art teacher and he'd always see Kayla come in every single day to work on her paintings.

'Oh sorry. Hi sir, just in my own world I guess..' she really was. She couldn't stop thinking about Parker.

'It's alright, why weren't you in here yesterday, would you rather watch a fight than paint?' He said with a little chuckle.

'You know about the fight.. of course you do.' Kayla felt guilty of hanging with Parker, after all he did fight her best friend's boyfriend. But then again, Spencer started it and she hated him soo..

More kids started walking in the class, 'we'll continue on next time..' Mr turner said as he looked at all the students. He wasn't like a teacher to anyone really more of a friend you just chat to.

Kayla started on her painting, mixing the paint together to get the right colour, looking for the right brush.. until she got a text.

'You told me yesterday at lunch that he was 'some new guy' and yet I see you in his car!? WTH IS THAT ALL ABOUT you are my friend, you ain't supposed to keep secrets from me. Out of all the guys and it's him?? The one who messed Spencer's face up. Are you ok???'

Well that brought her mood right down. Ruby was always the one to go to whenever Kayla felt bad or someone upset her. But who does she go to now since it was Ruby who upset her. Kayla could understand Ruby's pain, she understood it all, which was why it was so hard hanging with Parker. She just wished that Ruby would understand she's going through.

The bell rang for next class, maths. Out of all the subjects, maths had to be the worst one for her. She finished up her painting, got her backpack and left the class.

While Kayla was walking down, she was trying to find Parker, but knowing him he probably found an exit and skipped. Then she saw Ruby from a distance, she wanted to go up to her and try to reason with her and make up, but then as people moved out the way she saw Ruby wasn't alone. She was with Scarlett Davidson.

Scarlett Davidson. Her and Kayla never got along, never. Since, middle school, them two would always end up fighting, it happened for so long that people forgot why they actually hated each other in the first place. It just went on and on. They either got really mad at each other, or wanting to fight. Or just plain jealousy.

For example, yesterday, when Kayla saw Parker staring at Scarlett in music. Jealousy. Now Kayla had gotten jealous again but with Ruby hanging with Scarlett.

Ruby knew that them two didn't get along. She knew that Kayla hated her. She was doing this for revenge. And Kayla was not letting it slide.

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