The first impression

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Monday 20th May

As Kayla looked over in his direction, she was lost at words. There's always been new kids. But never ones like him.

'Ok class, this is Parker Monroe, please make him feel welcome!' Miss sharp said still feeling a bit unsure about him. Everyone felt unsure about him, they all just stared at him until he looked up, that's when they all turned around and pretended that it never happened.

Miss Sharp was walking towards Kayla along with Parker behind her. 'Mr Monroe, this is Kayla Cooper, she'll be your partner for this class and maybe your study buddy..?' She said hinting at the study buddy part.

'Uh sure yea I'll be your study buddy, it's nice to meet you Parker.' Kayla said while thinking about everything that could go wrong. 'Cool yea it's nice to meet you too.' Parker said quietly, but not too quietly that she couldn't hear him. 'Ok great! I'll leave you both to your Instruments, Kayla Show Parker to his instruments please..' Miss sharp said as she walked back to her desk.

Kayla had no idea what to do.. she felt scared of him.. but then too shy around him. Nothing made sense. 'So umm the instruments are just placed around the entire room, soo you'll have drums at the side.. pianos on the stage.. guitars back near the entrance.. really everything you need is just right in front of you.' She said in bits.

Kayla looked to see if he was paying attention but he was just looking at Scarlett Davidson, the most popular girl in the school and probably Kayla's worst enemy. They never got along at all. Kayla got a sense of jealousy when she saw Parker looking at Scarlett.

'Ok so I'll just get on with learning my piano piece and you can go do whatever you want.' Kayla said with a sense of anger in her voice. Parker turned to her. 'Alright um thanks I guess?' He said as he walked off towards the drums..

Kayla was about to play but she just couldn't take her eyes off of Parker. What was it that made him so special. She had to ignore it and focus, focus on the main thing in her life, and right now that was her music exam that she had on Friday so boys had to be some other time.

While she was playing she got lost in her own world, but what she didn't know was that someone was watching.. Parker Monroe.

He looked in her direction and couldn't stop looking. She was beautiful he thought.. but she'll never be into someone like me.. so he turned back to his drum set and started playing..

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