The aftermath

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Monday 20th May

Parker and Spencer wouldn't stop. Everyone was screaming, cheering, shouting for teachers to come. It was chaos, everything was happening so fast.

People pushed Kayla around like she was nothing, Ruby was trying to pull Spencer off of Parker. That's when it all stopped...

Parker got up and dragged Spencer to the ground, punching him and kicking him. Parker's hands and fists were covered all bruised up and red.. but not as much as Spencer's entire body.

Teachers came running in the circle to break the two up but it was too late. Ruby ran to Spencer in tears as he couldn't even get up. Parker was taken away by teachers, his face building up with regret, everyone stared at him and watched him fade away into the distance.. especially Kayla.

She ran up to Ruby and Spencer with some wipes from her backpack 'here, it'll help but I really think he should see like a professional??' Ruby gave Kayla a look, a look that said 'I know what I'm doing'.

Spencer was leaned against the wall on the floor while Ruby was cleaning his face up. 'I'm guessing that was the new guy you was telling me about earlier' Ruby said with a hint of anger in her voice. Kayla nodded like she was ashamed.

'I need more wipes, this ain't gonna help.' Spencer finally spoke and was out of breath from that one sentence. Kayla agreed with him and went inside to go find some more wipes.

As she strode past the classrooms, to head for her locker which had loads of wipes, she heard shouting coming from the principals office. Of course the shouting would be coming from there.. she walked near the office to see Parker, Mrs Melanie, who was the counsellor, and the principal all trying to reason with some other guy in the room.

Kayla didn't like eavesdropping but when it came to Parker, she couldn't help it but to find out what was wrong with him..

'I DONT CARE, HE IS NOT GETTING EXPELLED ON HIS FIRST DAY, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO, GIVE THE SCHOOL EVEN MORE MONEY??' that other guy seemed like he was about to throw a table. A table that was screwed in the floor.

'I can assure you Mr Monroe, we do not want your money but we cannot accept this sort of behaviour', the principal, Mr Joseph, had a look on his face. Fear.

Kayla was shocked to see what was happening.. but she looked at the back of the room and saw Parker. He looked broken. Like there was no soul in his body, he was lifeless. Parker looked up to see Kayla looking at him through the glass. She immediately sped away, with more and more questions consuming her mind about Parker..

She went to her locker, grabbed the wipes and ran back outside to aid Spencer. 'Took you long enough' Ruby said as she took the wipes to dab Spencer's face. 'Sorry, I got distracted' Spencer looked up to Kayla, 'it's alright the bloods already dried up, just glad it ain't worse'. Kayla laughed under her breath, Ruby still a bit on edge 'good thing you still got your humour then, no thanks to that idiot'.

Kayla could tell that Ruby hated Parker much more than Spencer did.. 'so uh what caused the fight between you two?' Kayla said, trying to break the silence. 'Oh you know.. I told him about joining the football team cause he seemed like a pretty decent athlete.. but he thought I was being sarcastic, took it the wrong way and started attacking me.' Ruby hugged him, trying to make him feel better but Kayla didn't really believe anything Spencer was saying. She thought that Parker was a decent guy.. he looked bad but not underneath.. she could tell from when she saw him in the office.

The office.. the office. 'I need to go I'll see you guys later, sorry!' Kayla said as she ran off back inside the school buildings.

Kayla ran back into the hallway where Mr Joseph's office was, but just around the corner she bumped into someone and fell. 'The heck, watch where your going!' A voice said. A voice she recognised. A voice she was meaning to go to.

Parker Monroe. 'Oh it's you. Piano girl'. Piano girl really? Out of all the nicknames and she got chosen with that one.

'You, I need to ask you something.' Kayla said as she got up on her feet. 'Yea what? Have I got expelled? No I haven't.', he said , thinking that that's all he'll be known from now.

'What no. I was going to ask.. what caused you two to fight' Parker looked up at her, confused but he answered, 'Spencer.. he uh.. he's from my past. Well a part of it at least. He saw me out on the field and he came over wanting to start a fight cause of something that happened years ago. I mean what I did to him earlier, it doesn't compare to what he did to me all those years back.' Kayla listened as he went on.. she could tell that he was being honest. This was a different side to him.

'Thank you for telling me, sorry about what happened with you and him in the past' Kayla replied with trying to put him at ease. 'Don't be, just don't tell anyone, this stays between me and you' those words kept replaying in her head over and over.. this stays between me and you..

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