The day off

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Thursday 23rd May

It was Thursday morning and the Cooper parents' were getting ready to go to work, Freddie was upstairs in the bathroom brushing his teeth, everyone was doing their own thing. Kayla was still in her bed just facing the ceiling, she couldn't sleep last night at all. Her stomach hurt just thinking of all the possibilities that Parker wasn't who she thought of.

She heard footsteps ascending up the stairs, she recognised everyone's footsteps.. it was her mother. "Kayla hurry up you're going to be late. This isn't funny"

"I don't feel well." That's all she could say. Kayla felt empty. Broken.

"I'm bringing your father up here because I'm not wasting my time with you."

Kayla felt like screaming and just shouting at her mother but instead she just lay there. A tear fell down her face, she didn't even bother to look at her phone all morning. No matter how important or how stupid the messages were she just didn't want to look.

A voice came from downstairs coming up, "Kay-Kay you gotta get up come on kid.."

Her dad walked into her room and sat on the edge of her bed. "What's up, you not feeling good huh?" He looked up on the walls to see all the paintings his daughter had made over the years. A smile grew upon his face, "you really are out of this world aren't you kid.."

Kayla sat upon her bed and moved up to the edge to sit next to her dad. "I'm just not feeling well today that's all.. I'll be fine for the music exam tomorrow I promise"

"I don't care about a stupid exam, the only thing that matters is your health." He then placed his hand against her forehead to feel her temperature.

"You don't feel hot.. how about you just have the day off for today anyways. I know how hard you work in school, you deserve a bit of a break." He then gave her a little kiss goodbye on the forehead and closed the bedroom door.

Kayla had woken up not realising that she fell asleep. She was all alone, it was so quiet that she could hear the sprinklers on from outside, the birds singing outside her porch. It was so peaceful. She got up out her bed and went to check her phone.

2 notifications from subway surfers, and 16 messages from Parker.. with 4 missed calls. She didn't know how to react, did he know that she knew about his past?

She tapped on one of his notifications and started scrolling up to down reading each message bit by bit:

U ok? 5:07PM
Kay where were u before detention? 5:09PM
Last message came across in a wrong way but I just wanna know if ur alright. 5:10PM
Kayla?? 5:13PM
I'm gonna go sleep I'll see u tmr? 10:57PM
Ur prob asleep but goodnight ❤️. 11:03PM
Morning piano girlll. 6:27AM
I'm putting my shoes on want me to pick u up? 7:48AM
Idk if I should leave or not? 7:52AM
U ready? 7:55AM
Kayla ur worrying me answerrrr. 7:58AM
I'm gonna go school so I guess I'll just see u there? 8:00AM
I don't see you anywhere. 8:18AM
R u sick? 8:23AM
I'm gonna put my phone on do not disturb alr? 8:27AM
Spencer's asking where u are I just said ur home sick is that ok? 9:07AM

Kayla didn't know what to reply with. She knew he cared for her but.. but.. but nothing. Spencer might be true or he might just be lying. She didn't care cause the person who sent her all those messages, that's the true Parker. The one who cares and who looks out for her.

Yea I'm alright. Stomach bug I'll be fine for tmr though I'll see you then :) 10:26AM

As she was walking down the stairs to get some food her phone had pinged. A smile appeared hoping it was Parker but it was Ruby. Out of all people.. Ruby.

She had asked Kayla if her and Parker were still together, Kayla started arguing with her and telling her to just leave it. She hung up the phone on Ruby, placing her phone on the counter with anger forming.

Why does she always want to know about them two? So nosy and for what. But what she didn't know what hanging up that phone would be the thing she'd soon regret.

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