The art in the room

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Wednesday 22nd May

Kayla ran into the art room where Mr Turner was nowhere to be seen. She ran to the back and tears fell down her face while she tried to get the paintbrush out. Painting was her way of control. She needed to calm herself down.

Soon after, Parker ran in the art room after searching many other rooms. 'There you are gosh Kayla it's not what it looks like.' He said as he came over to her.

'You and Scarlett were kissing.' She said while still not looking at him and paying attention just to her canvas.

He held her hand and took the paintbrush out of it. 'I only like you, I've only ever liked you. Scarlett kissed me. I didn't kiss her. She just started kissing me and wouldn't stop.' He said in small bits, looking into her eyes.

Kayla finally looked up to him, his eyes were also filled with tears. 'Why would she kiss you and why did Ruby say that you and Scarlett were dating..'

'Them two together are the worst, you know how Ruby feels about me and you. She probably did all this just so we would break up. You.. you'll always be my girlfriend. No matter what happens.' Parker gave her a kiss on the lips, a kiss that was never-ending. It was remarkable.

Kayla thought to herself, girlfriend. He's never called her his girlfriend. Her stomach bursted with butterflies. They both understood each other, they didn't need to know everything in each others lives, but they were still there for each other.

'What on earth is going on!?' Mr Turner and Spencer were standing right at the door looking to the back seeing Parker and Kayla kissing.

'Kayla Cooper explain yourself, this is an art room to express yourself on a piece of work not on someone else!'

Spencer was right behind him laughing to himself, 'sir I think these two thought your art room was for something else..'

'No no we were just..' Parker said but Spencer interrupted him mid-sentence.

'Just what. Imagine how Mr Turner feels.' He said as he turned to the teacher.

'Well what are you even doing here Spencer, you don't even take art.' Kayla said as she stood up.

'Spencer is with me, I'm his tutor and we spent the start of lunch studying.' Mr Turner said signalling Parker and Kayla to come to the front of the class.

'I'm disappointed in you Kayla, I never expected you to be this.. this.. this PERSON' this person? That's all he could think of? 'You both will be sitting detention today after school.'

Spencer looked at the both of them, 'wow Kayla Cooper's first ever detention.. that'll be fun'

'Shut up Payne.' Parker said.

'Aw what's wrong Monroe, want another fight?'

'You really want another one after last time? Hasn't your face had enough damage?' Parker and Spencer were now arguing and didn't care who listened.

'Boys come on calm down, this is stupid. Nobody will be fighting. All you three out of this room now, don't want to see you in here other than lesson times.' Mr Turner had moved out the way of the door so Parker and Kayla could leave.

As they all walked out in the hallway Spencer kept giving the two of them dirty looks. 'You hanging out with the wrong guy Cooper.'

'That's what your girlfriend said. You should probably check up on her and let her know I'm not breaking up with Parker.' Kayla said as she brushed past Spencer and moved along the hallway, with Parker following right behind her.

'Almost time for our next lesson, piano girl' Parker said putting his arm around her.

'Oh I know at least we have an extra hour together after school' Kayla said with a laugh.

Kayla's always been the one who would stress out about getting detention or doing something wrong, but she didn't care anymore. Ever since Parker moved to Penny Hills, a new side of her was shown. A side that nobody's ever seen.

They both walked to class and and parted ways. Both thinking about the other. Hands letting go.

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