"Uh nothing in particular besides the Eiffel tower I guess. I kind of came on a whim not knowing what to expect" I said

"That's my fault. I invited her last minute" Camila said laughing

"You got a great tour guide with Camila" Tori added and Camila just gave me a cute smile as if she was saying "yes you do"

We had finally arrived to the hotel. Everyone started to get out and headed straight into the hotel along with Camila trying to avoid the paparazzi that were outside

I went back to help the rest of the team unload the van. I know that I didn't have to but the blue collar spirit in me felt undeserving of being on this trip for free and not provide any sort of help

I grabbed my own luggage and some of Camila's since she had so much with her. Some of the big men who doubled as Camila's security smiled and thanked me as they were surprised I was helping

When I entered the hotel lobby with the forgotten part of the team I could hear Camila huddled with the inner core of her team

"Where's y/n?" She asked removing her sunglasses looking around everywhere for me concerned

"Oh right there" her hairstylist pointed towards me

I gave a small smile as I approached the huddle of people and Camila

"where were you?" She asked me

"I was just getting our things" I said

"Aw you don't have to do that" she said giving me a smile

"I told her. Y/n they'll take it up to our rooms for us" Tori said

I just shrugged "I just wanted to help" I said giving a small grin

"So thoughtful" Camila said as she placed her hand over mine

Her manager appeared and he handed everyone a room key.

"Y/n here you go" he said handing me a card and I was about to reach for it but Camila stopped him

"No, she's staying with me" she said and I blushed a little at the assertiveness in her voice and he just nodded

"In that case there's a room available for whoever-" her manager said

"I'll take it" Tori shouted immediately making everyone laugh. She was supposed to room with the stylists

We ended up making our way up the rooms. I followed Camila and she opened the door and led me in. She stepped out for a second as she went to talk to Roger her manager and Tori going over some things

My jaw dropped slightly at the size of the room. It was a suite

The bellhop appeared at the open door with the luggage cart

"Hello, may I enter?" He asked with his French accent

"Oh yea of course" I said moving aside for him to come in

He entered and quickly made small talk with me asking if it was my first time here and things like that

Camila entered the room smiling at the man then walked further into the room

"Shall I settle the luggage in?" He asked

"No it's fine I got it" I said waving him off nicely

He excused himself and started to say his goodbyes and I replied to him saying thank you in the minimal French I knew and then closed the door

"You know French?" Camila asked me as I began to remove the heavy luggage from the cart

"Just a few words. My mom studied French in high school and would sometimes try to teach me" I said

Summer Consequences (Camila/y/n)Where stories live. Discover now