Chapter 36

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Here comes a very special day

Wedding Day Of The Most Gorgeous Couple

"Hyung it's not that bad right? He will like it? Or not? I think it's not good... I think we should have used red roses he likes them a lot... Oh my god, why didn't I think this before what if his special day gets spoiled because of me... *freaking out* Hyung Let's change it Yeah that will-"

"Stop it Baby can you believe it's 13:00... Exactly 60 minutes later the wedding ceremony will start and you are talking about changing decoration which you and Hoba did by working day and night in 2 days... Why are you worrying so much... You know He is going to love it I'm sure so stop stressing and enjoy your bestie's wedding" Yoongi tried to ease Jimin who was freaking out from the last 1 hour as he was so tense thinking 'Jungkook will not like the theme he used for the wedding hall decoration and his day will be spoiled because of him'

Taehyung was in the changing room getting ready jack was there with him as he had come yesterday from Seoul. Jungkook was in another changing room makeup artists were helping him to get ready and Jin was there with him.

Yoongi, Jimin, Hobi, and Namjoon have been in the hall since morning working. Namjoon and Hobi left two hours ago to get ready and sent Taehyung to the hall as his wedding dress and makeup artist were there waiting for him. Jimin and Yoongi got ready in the wedding hall's changing room as someone from the house needed to stay there all the time in case something happened.
Yoongi and Jimin were standing near the entrance waiting for Grandma, Namjoon, Hobi, and their angel. They didn't need to wait much as they saw them coming.

Grandma was praising Jimin and Hobi's work when suddenly Yoongi's mobile rang. He checked the caller ID and it was Jack. He picked up the call.

"Yes Jack," Yoongi said.

*Sighed* "OK ok, I'm coming wait" He spoke out and hung up.

"What happened Yoongi," Namjoon asked.

"Tae Appa he is getting on Jack's nerves" Yoongi replied making everyone laugh. "You should go and rescue that poor soul we will handle here... Also Hobi and Jimin you too go help Kook he will be happy to see you" Namjoon said to which everyone agreed and made their way towards their destination while Namjoon, Aera and Grandma stayed there to welcome guests.

Yoongi reached the dressing room of Taehyung who was not letting poor make-up artists do their jobs he was rambling something to Jack who was just standing there listening to him quietly not replying being so done with Taehyung.

Taehyung's eyes immediately fell on Yoongi who just entered the room.

"Hyung~" Taehyung called in a totally different tone than before as it was evident in Jack's eyes as he looked at Taehyung shocked.

"Duality of this man," Jack said to which Taehyung glared at him not in a really angry way which made Yoongi laugh.

"What happened to you Tae... You should have been ready till now... It's you who is going to wait on the altar for Kook, not him for you..." Yoongi said.

"I- I know that Hyung but... I don't know what I'm feeling it's so weird... I think I'm nervous... But I feel like I want to meet My Bun now only... I just want to see him..." Taehyung rambled again which made Yoongi smile.

"Calm down bear... You will be meeting him soon but for that, you have to get ready... I know what you are feeling it happens with everyone so calm down..."

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