Chapter 6

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After two days

With Taehyung

Time - 17:30 (Evening)

Taehyung had a meeting today in a restaurant

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Taehyung had a meeting today in a restaurant

Currently, he is in his car... Driving back from the restaurant to his company as the meeting had finished

The weather is stormy so he wants to reach the building as soon as possible

But suddenly somewhere his car broke down and his phone ran out of battery and fortunately or unfortunately he doesn't have a USB cable to charge his mobile in his car

He came out to check the car and was about to check the engine but it started raining

In a hurry, instead of sitting in his car, he went to a nearby house where he could escape from the rain.

He didn't call anyone, he just stood outside the house

With Jungkook

Time - 17:45

Jungkook and Aera were watching TV while eating some snacks at home

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Jungkook and Aera were watching TV while eating some snacks at home

Because of the heavy rain, Jungkook didn't send Aera to kindergarten today

Aera was watching TV with her Mumma when she felt thirsty so she got up to go towards the kitchen

While walking towards the kitchen her eyes fell on the door

She saw someone standing there soaked in water so she ran to Jungkook and said "Mumma mumma there is someone outside the door he is soaked in water"

Jungkook looked outside the window rain was too heavy he thought the person the person must be standing there to prevent himself from the heavy rain so he decided to help him and got up and went towards the door

Aera went to the kitchen to drink water

And Jungkook went to open the door

With Taehyung

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