Chapter 14

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With Taehyung

Time - 16:45

Taehyung and Yoongi arrived 15 minutes early in the cafe as their work was done

Both got out of the car suddenly Taehyung's phone rang He stayed there to attend to the call and Yoongi went inside the cafe

With Jungkook

Jungkook and Aera reached the cafe on the decided time

Jungkook parked the car and headed towards the cafe with Aera.

On reaching the entrance Aera saw Yoongi and ran towards him

Jungkook was walking slowly, looking at her running towards her meow unkie....

Suddenly he stumbled because of someone and was about to make contact with the floor when two arms held him protectively

He closed his eyes, thinking he will fall but when he realized nothing like that happened and felt a hold around himself. He opened his eyes and got lost in his saviour's Monolid Eyes

With Taehyung

Taehyung was walking from the cafe entrance after ending the call. When he saw Jungkook moving forward looking at Aera and on the left side of him someone was hurrying out of the cafe while looking at his mobile, Jungkook was about to fall because of the said person who unintentionally pushed him in the process of going out

When Taehyung rushed forward and held Jungkook with both hands one on his back and another on his waist to keep him from falling

That person said sorry and went out of the cafe as he was in a hurry but the two boys didn't listen or react anything and were just looking at each other

They stayed like that for nearly 3 minutes not caring about their surroundings until they heard Yoongi coughing (fake), They looked at him and understood their position also what they were doing (staring competition 👀) Jungkook's eyes widened as he looked back towards Taehyung but this shockingly

Taehyung helped Jungkook straighten up and then started looking here and there, Jungkook was just looking at the ground blushing, their hearts were beating fast

"Are you both done blushing? If yes... then let's go" said Yoongi

Both felt shyer

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other for merely 2 seconds then immediately broke eye contact and went towards the table where Aera was sitting

When Aera saw Taehyung she immediately got up from her seat saying "Dada......" and went towards him

"My angel....." Said Taehyung, picking her up in his arms excitedly and kissing her cheeks

Everyone took their seats After some time Jimin also came there they discussed where to go the next day and decided, to Amusement Park

Around 18:00 hobi closed the cafe

Today he wanted to spend his whole time with his friends Yeah he meet them daily but he also needs to handle the cafe now Jungkook helps him in the evening too so neither of them gets much time to spend with Jimin, Taehyung, Yoongi and Aera.

Yoongi thinks of Jungkook as his own younger brother, so he cares for him a lot same as Jimin and Hobi

Aera was playing with Jimin, Hobi and Yoongi, and Taehyung was watching them play while having coffee

Jungkook was in the kitchen trying to bake some new cookies

Taehyung decided to see what the younger was doing as he hadn't seen him for some time now so he made his way to where Jungkook was working

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