Chapter 28

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A/N - In any part of this story if the crisis arises or angst part comes just remember "Everything will be okay at the end I Promise~ Trust Me..." One more thing in this story Aera is everything Jungkook has... he loves her more than anything. There was a moment in Jungkook's life when he had given up everything (the time he lost his parents) She had brought the face of life into his life he is a mature and mentally strong person but Sometimes our weaknesses are the people we love the most and It's same for Jungkook even the thought of losing Aera fears him to the level he loses his calmness and cries his heart out.

The next day around 12:35 afternoon, Jungkook was working in the cafe some distance away from him was Hobi instructing the other two boys about some chores.

Jungkook was delighted today of course after knowing the person he loves so much loves him back his heart was at ease and he was cheerful. As per routine, he dropped Aera at the kindergarten before coming to the cafe.

He was humming a song when he heard his mobile phone ringing.

He took the vibrating device and checked the ID It was Aera's teacher he frowned because it was unusual more like worrying because the Last time he got a call from Aera's kindergarten was not a good memory he had. Nervously yet hastily he picked up the call. 

The second he heard the teacher's words tears rolled down his eyes he lost the mind to even let out a word in reply. The mobile he was holding dropped as he lost his grip on the device.

Hobi who was talking with the two boys heard the sound and turned towards Jungkook whose face was pale by now tears were flowing down his cheeks.

Witnessing Jungkook like that made Hobi tense he hurried towards the younger asking what happened again and again but didn't get a reply. Coming back to reality Jungkook glanced at Hobi for a second and just ran outside ignoring everything and everyone.

Hobi was about to go behind him but saw the younger's mobile on the ground. He immediately picked up the device and put it to his ear listening to what had happened he too ran behind Jungkook.

When he reached outside he saw Jungkook messily starting the car he called him "Kook, let me drive. You are in your right state to drive please"

Jungkook refused at first but gave up after Hobi requested him again moreover he needed to reach Aera's kindergartener as soon as possible he didn't have time to argue there.

He shifted to the passenger seat letting Elder drive. Hobi immediately started the car "Kook, inform Taehyung" he said while passing Jungkook his mobile.

Jungkook with shaky hands took the mobile and dialed Taehyung's number.


Taehyung was in the conference hall and the meeting was going on. He was very happy and why wouldn't he Finally he confessed his love yesterday and the person returned it as well.

As mentioned he was in the conference hall and that's why his mobile was in vibrate mode placed in front of him on the table when he felt the device vibrating he glanced at the ID and it was his Bun The smile crept on his face and he picked up the call to inform that he is in meeting and will call later.

Picking up the call he was about to say something but "Hy-Hyu-Hyung~ Ae-Aera... She *he cried*" heard Jungkook.

He got up from his seat abruptly and as he did everyone present in the room also stood up of out respect. Yoongi was there too he looked at Taehyung confused. Taehyung glanced at everyone he was freaking out inside and hella worried but he can't just react in front of his employees calming himself down a little "We will discuss this later You all can leave" he said.

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