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Hey Daisies, ❤🌼

How are you? Hope you all are doing good....

First of all I'm really very sorry for not updating....

To be Honest it feels weird to me while writing this.... Feels like I'm just talking with myself.... As there are not much readers I have Of course I understand how could there be it's my first story

Reason of not updating is.... Many things are going on in my life as a student I'm stressed about my future then classes I need to attend, family problems and after that as you all may know Taehyung's new songs need us so yeah I'm busy with streaming as well So many things at once some good some bad and I don't know where to focus.....

It's first time I'm writing something like this.... it feels different as There are only few readers I have that too who has never commented even a single emoji *pout* so I never got a chance to talk with anyone (I'm sorry if it sounded mockingly Or rude but I didn't mean it like that... I can understand it's fine even if you won't comment or like but I'm again saying atleast tell if there are mistakes I will be grateful)

Leave it I'm talking too much so finally about updates....

I will update after a week as I need some time to clear my mind and also currently I want to give my attention to Taehyung's songs... but I promise I will update like before after a week

One more thing I'm changing Name of this story as I was not satisfied with previous one Hope you will like this one (.---....-..--.-.. ---..-. .-..---...-.)

Take care Daisies 🌼
I Adore You ❤🍁


Embrace of Love 𐤀 || TKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora