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In the library of the Abode, Oscar took out several books from a certain shelf.

"A Guide from the Best Synergist in the World, A Collection of Many Ores and Minerals, and Labyrinth Encyclopedia. All these were made by the same guy... Now me."

Leaving this comment out, he decided to sit down and began reading the books.

Each one was useful, detailed, and had personal comments. But the one he decided to really read was the first book he took out, which contained what was needed for Oscar to quickly learn how to transmute.

Because ever since he was reincarnated as Oscar Orcus, he felt like he had missed something else.

Taking out his [Status Plate], he noticed something else, other than it was active even when hundreds of years had passed.

When he sent mana to it, by muscle memory and stared at whatever it was showing.

[ • Oscar Orcus
Age: 2518
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Synergist
Level: 1

- Strength: 50
- Agility: 50
- Vitality: 50
- Defense: 50
- Magic: 50
- Magic Defense: 50 ]

"Nope, not surprising at all."

He has the seven Ancient Magics and Mana Manipulation ability, but when he found out the other skills, he was completely shocked.

His transmutation ability has a lot of subskills, 35 of them in fact. He even had a crafting ability that allowed him to design and make whatever he designed easier. Maybe that was the reason this Labyrinth has a lot more floors than the six others?

He also had an ability called [Comprehensive Learner], which may be self-explanatory.

With that out of the way, he replaced the Status Plate with a single iron ingot while he read the guide.

Though his procrastination and pragmatism made him skip some of the contents or read other books instead due to not being of use to him.

It was merely the basics, yet it was already enough for him to advance forward, turning the Iron Ingot into a higher quality material, for example, Gold, Silver, and lower quality materials.

But doing a bit of training in transmutation had already chipped off at least 70 percent of his mana, and it made him sigh.

"I should maybe train...."

..... Or not.

They say habits die hard. That is true to him, since he might have liked the notion of procrastination, even if he really didn't feel like he wanted to procrastinate and not do anything but be as idle as a cat.

Such a man wouldn't be liked much at all, and if somebody were to see him, they'd almost always have a bad first impression of him if they see him procrastinating around.

Still, he barely care about those who wanted to force him out of his procrastination, since it was his own fault he died, as an ignorant man.

[ System Updating.... 85 % ]

[ Estimated Time Until Actuvation: 1 hour ]

Grumbling, he leaned back on his wooden chair, staring at the ceiling.

'Now that I am in the world of Tortus, it probably wouldn't take long before they arrive here, hopefully.

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