Tom Wedding 💐

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"There we go. Looking like a man who's about to ruin his life."
"Thanks Sam," Tom said as Sam finished adjusting his tie. His suit was custom fitted and it was perfect for the groom that was about to marry the woman of his dreams.
"Final touch," Sam said and he put a white flower into Tom's top jacket pocket.
"Zendaya's a very lucky woman."
"I'm a very lucky man. She said yes," Tom said and he smiled at his brother. At the moment, there was the sound of glass smashing and both Downey brother's turned to look out of Tom's bedroom door. "Hello?" Tom called. There was some clattering and sounds of feet stepping on broken glass and moving around in the flat.
"Be careful Tom."
"Hello?" Tom asked again as he moved to the door. "Hey!" He shouted as he saw the intruder and he ran towards him.
"Tom!" Sam shouted and the intruder turned around. He grabbed Tom by the neck and pressed him hard against the fridge door.
"Ah!" Tom gasped as he was choked.
"Tom!" Sam screamed in horror.
"Ah! ... A...!" Tom cried as his breathing was cut off. He was being strangled. "...!"
"Tom! Get off him. Get off!" Sam cried as he tried to pull the man's hand off Tom's neck. The man let go of Tom, but he turned and sliced Sam's face with a knife as he forced him onto the ground. "Ok! Ok! Stop! Stop!" Sam shouted as blood started to fall from the knife wound on his face, and he held his hand up between him and the intruder. Both he and Tom were on the ground and Tom was gasping for breath as he had his eyes closed. "Take anything you want. We won't report this to the police, please just don't hurt us."
"You better mean it," The intruder said as he held the knife to Sam's throat.
"Sam! ..." Tom called, but he wheezed and coughed as he could hardly breathe.
"I do. Just don't hurt us," Sam begged. The intruder moved away from Sam and he grabbed Tom's laptop that was on the side as well as both of their mobile phones and he left through the front door.

"Argh..." Sam groaned as he raised a hand up to his head, blood running down his face from the knife injury. "Tom?" Sam asked and he looked at his hand before he looked up at his brother. Tom was starting to breathe more steadily, but he was still on the ground and he had his eyes closed. "Tom," Sam said before he went over to him. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah..." Tom said as he nodded. He gasped and opened his eyes. They widened in horror as he saw that half of Sam's face was running with blood. "Sam... your face..."
"I'm ok. He cut me, but it's not too bad."
"You saved our lives..."
"I had to do something," Sam said and Tom coughed. "Just breathe," Sam said and he sat back as he took his tie and shirt off, both of which were stained with blood.
"He took our phones Sam..."
"I know."
"I need to clean... your wound."
"You need to breathe."
"Sam," Tom said and he swallowed before he got up onto his knees. Moving over to the sink, he stood up for a moment and got a clean washcloth damp. Kneeling beside Sam, Tom cleaned his wound and Sam winced.
"Sorry. Just hold... still," Tom said as he swallowed. His throat was raw and it stung. "Arh."
"Sis... Arh," Sam winced.
"I'm done. Sam, it's... bad."
"How bad?"
"Sis deep," Tom said as he raised his hand up to his neck.
"Can you breathe?"
"Yeah. It just hurts."
"We should go to a hospital," Sam said and Tom sat down beside him.
"It's my wedding. Everyone's going... to be at the church."
"You've been strangled. I've been attacked with a... sis... a knife."
"I know."
"We need to get checked over Tom."
"Ok," Tom agreed. They had no mobile phones and the taxi was going to be here shortly to take them to the church. "Then we go to the church?"
"Do we report this to the police?" Tom asked his brother.
"We can't. I told the intruder that we wouldn't. He could come back Tom, and he had a knife."
"You're right. Thank you for saving our lives," Tom said and he hugged Sam. "You're going to need another suit. You can borrow one of mine."
"Thanks Tom," Sam said and they helped each to stand up. Once Sam had changed into one of Tom's suits, the taxi arrived and they asked the driver to take them to a hospital.

They were treated by the nursing staff and they told the A&E team that they didn't want to press any charges. Sam explained what had happened to them as the nurse checked, cleaned and dressed his facial injury. Staff logged the event on both of their medical histories, but agreed not to involve the police.


"There you both are. Zendaya's been stressing out and... oh..." Scarlett trailed off as she noticed Sam's dressing and then the bruising on Tom's neck. "Has something happened? Have you been hurt?"
"We have. But mum, we're ok," Tom was quick to reassure Scarlett, but her worry only grew.
"What happened? Tom, has someone had their hands around your neck?"
"Yes. They have."
"Someone attacked Tom and I stopped them. He caught my face, but he got away."
"Caught your face? With what?"
"A knife."
"A knife? You boys could have been killed!"
"I know. I know mum, but we're alright."
"We need to call the police."
"We were going to, but there's nothing to go off."
"We were attacked in the street, and we didn't see his face."
"Boys... oh my boys," Scarlett said and she hugged them both as Robert joined them.
"There you are. Everyone's been waiting for you. Has something happened?"
"They were attacked," Scarlett told Robert as she let the boys go.
"What? Sam, you're head," Robert said before he looked at his injury.
"We're ok dad."
"We'll explain everything later. I just need to..." Tom said before he stopped and swallowed, raising a hand up to his neck.
"Are you ok Tom?" Sam asked and Tom nodded.
"You're bruised," Robert said as he noticed Tom's neck.
"I'm ok."
"We've been checked out at the hospital dad. It's why we're late," Sam explained.
"Please. I need to marry Zendaya," Tom said as tears were forming in his eyes.
"Not without a drink and some throat medication. Robert, please get some water for Tom and find a cough sweet."
"I'm on it," Robert said and he reluctantly left his injured sons.
"Sam. Can you find Harry and Zendaya? Tell them what's happened and let them know that you're both alright. We'll start the ceremony shortly."
"Ok mum," Sam said and Scarlett kissed him.
"Off you go honey," She said and Sam left them.

Zendaya hugged Tom as he reached her side at the church's altar.
"Are you ok?" She asked as she gently rested her hand onto his neck.
"I am... now that I'm with you," Tom said and Zendaya kissed him.
"Next time, call me."
"The attacker took our phones."
"Then get the hospital to call me. You could have been killed."
"Not on my wedding day," Tom whispered and Zendaya hugged him.
"Are we ready to start the ceremony?" The pastor asked and they both turned to him. "Yes. Thank you."
"We are."
"Alright..." The vicar said and he began the ceremony.

Tom and Zendaya were married and before the speeches began, Sam explained what had happened to both him and Tom before their late arrival at the church. Tom stood up following this with the microphone and made a brief addition.
"If it wasn't for Sam's bravery and quick thinking, we could have both been killed this morning. I am very thankful, proud and blessed to have such a wonderful brother. To Sam!"
"To Sam!" Everyone cheered as they raised a glass and Sam smiled. The speeches then began and everyone celebrated Tom and Zendaya's marriage into the early hours of the morning. Happy that he was alive and married to the woman that he loved, Tom and Zendaya left for their two week honeymoon in a location that they haven't even disclosed to their own family members.

 Happy that he was alive and married to the woman that he loved, Tom and Zendaya left for their two week honeymoon in a location that they haven't even disclosed to their own family members

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