Tom Peanut Allergy

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"Hey Stan!" Anthony called and Sebastian ran over to him.
"There's peanuts, whiskey and cola here. We could make Tom an ice on the rocks cocktail and get him drunk."
"Oh, that sounds like fun."
"It does doesn't it?"
"I'll get you a glass," Sebastian said, and a moment later they had mixed the cocktail 🍹.

"Yo Tom!" Anthony called as they went over to him. "We've got something for you."
"Yeah?" Tom asked as he turned to them.
"We wanted to say sorry for being rude, so we made you this."
"Aw that's so sweet of you guys. What's in it?"
"Just a mix of coca cola and other drinks. What do you think?"
"It's really good."
"Great," Sebastian said and they left.


After a few minutes, Tom was starting to find it hard to breathe, so he put the drink down and went over to Chris Evans, who was chatting to Chadwick Boseman.
"Chris," Tom gasped as he lent on him.
"Yeah? Woah, Tom, are you ok?" Chris asked as he supported Tom.
"No. I..."
"Is it your breathing?" Chadwick asked and Tom nodded.
"Ok. Let's lie you down," Chris said and he and Chadwick helped to lie Tom onto his side.
"I can smell peanuts on your breath Tom. You're allergic to those right?"
"Yeah," Tom gasped.
"Do you have an epipen?" Chris asked and Tom nodded as he closed his eyes. "Where is it?"
"Ok, I'll be right back," Chadwick said before he left.
"You're going to be alright Tom. We've got you," Chris said as he stay with Tom. "Just keep breathing."
"What's going on?" Anthony asked as he and Sebastian came over.
"Tom's having an allergic reaction."
"To what?"
"Shit." Sebastian said and Chris looked at him.
"What did you give him?"
"I've got it," Chadwick said as he returned.
"Good. Put the needle into his thigh and press down on the top."
"Ok," Chadwick said, and he followed Chris's instructions. "It's in."
"Thank you. Tom? Tom, can you hear me?"
"Tom? Come on bud."
"Wake up Tom."

"Tom?" Anthony asked, and Tom moved.
"Tom, it's Chris, can you hear me?"
"Chr... Chris...?"
"Yeah. You're ok. Where's Robert?"
"He's in his trailer. I'll go and get him."
"Thank you," Chris said and Chadwick went off to find Robert, Tom's father.
"Are you alright Tom?"
"I'm on it," Sebastian said and Tom outstretched his hand.
"I've got you Tom," Chris said as he took Tom's hand. "Anthony, don't go anywhere," Chris called as Anthony started to sneak away.
"Here you go."
"Thank you," Chris said as he took the water from Sebastian. "Can you sit up Tom?"
"Not yet."
"Alright. Can you breathe ok?"
"It's getting better."
"Good," Chris said, relieved that Tom's condition was improving.
"It was a drink," Sebastian admitted and Chris looked at him. "We thought that it would be funny to get Tom drunk, so we made him a cocktail."
"We didn't realise that Tom was allergic to peanuts. We didn't mean for this to happen, I'm really sorry."
"So am I Chris."
"It's not me that you have to apologise to."

"Tom!" Robert Downey Jr called as he ran onto the set and knelt beside his son. "Are you doing alright?"
"I'm here."
"He's still coming to, but he can breathe and it's getting better."
"Did you have to use his epipen?"
"Yeah, we did."
"Alright. Keep waking up for me Tom. Do you know what he ate?"
"It's not what he ate, but it was something that he drank."
"Which was...?"
"A cocktail," Anthony confessed. "We made one for Tom as a joke to get him drunk, but we didn't know that he was allergic to peanuts."
"Who's we?"
"Myself and Sebastian."
"We didn't mean for this to happened Robert. I'm really sorry."
"So am I."
"It's fine. No problem at all," Robert said and everyone was quiet. "You could have killed my son, but it's fine. You have could have just killed my bloody son."
"We should go, now."
"Yeah," Anthony agreed and both he and Sebastian scarpered.
"Robert, Tom's..."
"Where's the medic?"
"We didn't call for them."
"Why not?"
"We've been busy," Chris said and Robert nodded.
"Thank you."
"I can... sit up now," Tom said slowly as he opened his eyes.
"Alright bud, nice and slow."
"We've got you."
"Slowly Tom," Everyone said and they gave him a hand to sit up.
"Is that ok?"
"Have some water," Robert said and he helped his son to have a few sips. "How's your breathing?"
"Much better."
"Good. I'll get you back to my trailer and you can have some rest."
"Thanks dad."
"Are you ready to stand up?"
"Here we go," Robert said and they all gave Tom a hand to stand up. "I've got you," Robert said and he supported his son as he took him back to his trailer.


"Well, Robert's pissed with you," Chris said as he found Anthony and Sebastian.
"We guessed. How's Tom doing?"
"He's doing alright. He's gone to get some rest in his trailer."
"We're really sorry Chris. It was only meant to be a bit of fun, and we didn't mean for it to backfire so badly."
"It's alright, I get it. It was just the wrong thing to add to the cocktail."
"When should we apologise to Robert?"
"After you've apologised to Tom. Something tells me that he'll be more forgiving than Robert will be."

Tom slept and Robert looked after him. He came back onto set the next day and he was alright, he forgave both Anthony and Sebastian.

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