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Even as the stupid bell chimes, I still don’t concentrate. I’ve not been concentrating on my book for the past hours. The same page is staring at me. The main question right now, is why haven’t I reported this Bernadette Amara to the police? I can’t believe I had someone in my house. When my kids were helpless, defenseless and tired. How sloppy can I be? It dawns on me now. The lack of sleep. I could stand here and use that as an excuse till kingdom come, but I know that isn’t true. I have pills for that. I’m being a total wreck because of Bill.

This selfish man is refusing to show up. I’ve discovered his plan. Use me, leave me and watch my family become isolated. He knows how deserted I’ve felt without his presence. That’s why I’ve decided that he’s going to pay.

When I see him, or God forbid, he makes an unannounced appearance near Kaya and Richelle, I’ll kill him. I’ll treat him like an intruder, because he basically wants to treated as such. Screw his number one rule. Don’t make friends, he said. Well, I’ve got my number one rule; don’t leave your partner or friends behind.


The thing is, I could go to the police and seek a restraining order against Bernadette. But imagine the paparazzi following me and taking shots of my kids. This case would make headlines within a second. A celebrity stalking her doppelganger, imagine that. I’m not having that kind of publicity. Not with my name. Especially when she’s got evidence of the affair with my boss. It won’t look good for Andy, and my job.


I came to this town for peace and quiet, and peace and quiet I’ll have. I take my mind away from Bernadette, the paparazzi, and Bill, to the wonderful Andrew. I would be lying if I said he hasn’t been in my thoughts lately. But I’ve come to find out the thoughts are far from innocent. In the shower, I fantasized about Andrew being suspended upside down, butt naked, with his legs chained to the ceiling of my shower stall. I imagined myself carving my name unto his abdomen and chest with the kitchen knife while he squirmed, wiggled and shook to try escape. While this fantasy kept on rolling, I made myself quite busy with the shower head.


I really mean what I said to Bernadette. I don’t care if she informs Krystal about her husband’s feelings toward me. Once the cat’s let out of the old rusty bag, Krystal would immediately agree to the divorce. Judging from the way she had been so clingy and protective of him, I’m sure she’ll be utterly disappointed and heart-broken that the one person she’s sworn to keep has turned his back on her. I can’t wait for them to be separated so that I keep Andrew all to myself, and if the time comes, I’ll take care of Krystal so that she won’t do anything to interfere. Bernadette could follow as well.

“Oh! For Christ sake! Hello!! Miss!” The banging sounds of the wooden counter alert me.

“Can’t you see I’m busy thinking?!” I yell, but the bulky, thick-necked man with dark sunglasses and a pot-belly furrows his brows at me.

“Excuse me?” He takes off the glasses and shoots daggers at me with his gaze. “Do you know who moi is?”

I roll my eyes, because I’m not in the mood for tomfoolery. “I’m sorry, mister. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m clearing having a terrible day. What would you like?”

He smacks his lips and shakes his head. “C’est mieux,” he mutters as he puts the glasses on with pure melodramatic effect. He tells me the books he’s here to pick, I bag them, make the transaction, then watch the customer do a sprint past the glass door. My thoughts about Krystal’s fate and Andrew’s undying affection return. I realize that Andy needs to be freed from that conniving diva. He’s never been comfortable around her. No one should be in this kind of toxic relationship. After Andy divorces her, I would be so grateful if she stayed away from us and never show her face again. I just despise her so much. I pull the pack of sleeping pills from my jean pocket, and glare at the brand. I haven’t touched these in a while. Maybe getting some sleep wouldn’t be such a bad idea now.

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