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"My wife told me you were single," Andrew says. Immediately, I tear my gaze from the stack of Self-Help books I'm arranging on the top-row shelf and gape at his smiley, pink lips. Did he say the word 'single', and refer it to me? I guess so.

"Uh, yes. Unfortunately," I reply. Too bad I couldn't get to be your first, but you had to end up with a raccoon-faced bitch like Krystal, I imagine myself saying. "Oh, wait. Actually, that was a lie. I do have a boyfriend."

Andrew furrows his eyebrows. "Oh, really, I knew there was something fishy about your answer." He folds his arms and snickers, meanwhile, I have absolutely nowhere I'm going with this.

"So, where is he?"

"He's from a different nation," I stupidly utter. Oh, God, please don't do this. Please don't do this. Not in front of Andrew. I cringe when he cocks his head. Here it comes.

"Um....what nation?" he asks.

"My imagination!" I slap my hand to my forehead, and stifle my chuckle. It takes a while for Andrew to process what I said, before he breaks into a smile. He finally bursts out cackle. He even snorts.

"Wait. What? That was a good one," he pats me on the left shoulder. "Really good one. You caught me off guard there for a second."

My body shivers at his touch but right now, all I prefer to do is sink into the ground and wait till he goes back to his office.

"I'm sorry, Mr-Andy. It just comes naturally, I guess. Anytime I'm nervous, I just feel this urge to crack a lame joke. It's a bad habit." While blushing, I grab a Self-Help book from the last row and slide it into the top row.

"They aren't lame, Imani. I think you're generally funny...and talented. Especially the way you are able to come up with those one-liners in your head so quickly."

"Oh, actually I kind of thought of it a while ago," I say. "But when you came around me, I decided to blurt it out."

Oh, God, did I just subtly admit to my boss that I have a crush on him?

I hold Andrew's gaze for a few minutes but he doesn't seem to show any sign of recognition of the subtext. He quietly nods his head and takes out his phone.

"Well, anyway, I think you should do standups. Just try and see if it's something you might enjoy doing as a hobby or maybe side hustle."

I smile at him and slide my hands in my jean pockets.

"I was thinking, since you don't have a partner, and you are far too beautiful not to have one, I could help you find one on a dating app."

I raise my eyebrows, and the suggestion is so laughable that even I, with my dry sense of humor, don't find it funny.

"A dating app, boss? I mean, Andy? How does that even work?"

Andrew shoves his phone closer to me. "You ever heard of Tinder?"

I shake my head.

"Really? Okay, it looks like there are a lot of things I have to teach you." Andrew shows me how to work this Tinder App and to my surprise, I'm kind of happy that I never heard of this app in the first place.

"So, if I don't like the guy, I just swipe left?" I ask.

"Yes. Pretty simple, eh?"

I chuckle, twirling the curls of my, dark hair but our moment is cut off when the bell chimes and customers flood in.

"We'll talk about the Tinder thing later," Andrew says as he shoots me a wink and leave. I race back to my station; behind the desk and wait for the mother and son to come over. I can't stop smiling, because there is rarely a day this ever happens to me. My boss, who happens to be a married man I'm head over heels for, feels sorry for me and tries to hook me up with a guy on a dating app. If only the last man I had a relationship with didn't turn out to be a rabid animal. The only good thing Ivan did was give me kids before he disappeared. Can I even be in another relationship? No, I'll look for some casual fun instead. Ugh, such a cliche. People always end up letting you down.

"Mommy, mommy, look!" the mother's son bellows as he picks up a book from the Science Fiction aisle. "I've always wanted to buy this! My friends have been talking about it-"

"No, no! That's enough!" His mother snaps. "We have quite enough books at home!" With that, the mother drags her son right back through the door, and now I'm left with my jaw hanging.

What the hell just happened? I chuckle to myself and shake my head, then take my book about mental illness to read. That was actually the funniest encounter-at-the-bookstore moment I've experienced since working here. I should probably write it down on the logbook when I close.

The bell chimes again, and this time, my smile vanishes.

"Hi, Imani."

"Hi," I reply through gritted teeth.

Making her way to my desk, the raccoon-faced Krystal shoots me a smile and rests her elbows down. Her sharp, rosy perfume lingers in my nostrils. "What book you reading?"

I fight the urge to shut the book, but instead I force a narrowed glance at her. "It's just something to keep me busy. Nothing thrilling."

She purses her lips, cocking her head. "Look, I just stopped by to say that, I was really serious when I told you that you've done a great job helping the business me and my hubby established. I came here to tell you that I like you, Imani."

I pull my eyebrows up. "I see."

"Andrew doesn't give compliments about his employees like he does for you. Our differences put aside, I have the feeling the three of us can be good friends. In fact, I officially welcome you as a friend of our family. What do you say we host a little party just to honor you? Would that be okay?"

I think about it for some minutes. Maybe this party she wants to throw may be my chance of getting to know Krystal and not keep my assumptions of her being a total diva. But then I remember the one rule Bill made when he I moved in here with my kids; 'do not have a social life.' Because of Bill, I've remembered that rule for quiet sometime. I would thank the man only if he stopped playing hide-and-seek with me and show up. Him and my kids are the only family I have now.

"Well?" Krystal asks, and I zone out of thought.

"Um, no thanks. Sorry. That would be fun, but maybe give it a few months later, and that would be okay." I shoot her a smile.

Krystal sighs and smiles back. "Definitely. But I'd like to really get to know you."

"Me too," I reply, flicking the page of my book.

"I have a group of gals who, I'm sure would love you. But first, why don't we make a deal.."

"Oh, sure."

She comes a bit closer and shuts my book with her left hand. "Stay the hell away from Andrew. Do not make friends with him. Do not flirt with him. Do not ogle him. He's a married man. And you're his employee. You work for us. So remember, you work for me. One little sign of you breaking my rule, and I'll sweet talk Andrew to kick you out? We clear?"

She takes a step back, eyes me up and down, and flicks her brunette hair, cat-walking towards the door with pure confidence. I'm left standing there, with my eyes narrowed at the door, a corner of my mouth twitching as I clutch a page of my book with a fierce grip. I've never hated anyone in my life, like how I do, right now, with my boss's raccoon of a wife. I moved here with my children just so I can start over. If this Krystal buffoon wants to make my life and work difficult, then she's declared war. I won't hesitate to take immediate action.

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