It's horrible really but it's a perfect way to keep everyone occupied with their own agenda and not pay attention while the real person gets away with something without being noticed. By the time it was discovered it would be too late and possibly be blamed on the wrong person.

And isn't that the point?

The who, what, where and when of all of this is coming together right in front of us. We just don't know why.

"It's coming full circle. They are coming back around to you," I point out.

"No, they aren't," Beckett disagrees, taking the pot and pouring himself some coffee. "They are coming after you."

I don't understand how I'm involved in this. I'm not a Bradford. I'm not even in this family. I don't have a relationship with any of them beyond Georgia and that's just because she asked me to help her as an assistant.

"I don't understand."

"He's right," Quinn agreed.

As the others nod their heads, I'm lost. One by one they join in. Each one of them tells me another part of the story. Adding another layer of detail to the puzzle showing the pieces that I'm not seeing. And the fear that I didn't sense before begins to build.

"Lindsey's always been jealous of Brynn and Aubrey. Since high school she has been trying to be just like them but she just never hits the mark." Leo begins with the explanation.

"She tried first to get Ethan's attention in high school. Everything and anything to turn his head until she actually set up a situation that made it look as if Brynn was cheating on him, which of course she wasn't." Paige explained.

"But teenage boys are naive and stupid and he believed her. Sorry son, but you were. It broke them up for years and Lindsey made sure it stayed that way. She rubbed it into Brynn's face plenty when the opportunity came around." Will continued where Paige left off.

"When Beckett came to town Lindsey made a fool out of herself every chance she got." Ethan added, doctoring his coffee while he spoke.

"No one will forget her little display at Halloween but I have to say that Beckett had the best response to her that shut her down." Brynn grinned at her best friend, remembering the night as if it were yesterday.

Beckett smiled back at her, remembering the same thing, "I have to agree with Brynn."

Aubrey turned a bright shade of pink but didn't disagree. The memory of that night must have been quite memorable.

"She didn't go after Leo that way. It's like she just didn't like me because I was Beckett's sister. She didn't seem to care that Leo and I were dating."Quinn remembers her introduction to Lindsey. "She just didn't like us."

"No, but she knew you had money and Fitz held a key to getting his hands on your money if she had anything to say about it." Leo reminded her.

"He almost did. I would have given him every dime as long as he gave Hope back to me." Quinn whispered as Leo wrapped his arm around her.

The first time Lindsey took advantage of a child to exploit the parents. It wouldn't stop there. Taking Hope to a cabin where everyone was in danger and Charlie waited too long to help them and Lindsey managed to escape.

"She almost killed Brynn when she went for round two with us." Ethan growled, obviously recalling this isn't helping matters for him. But it is putting things into perspective for me.

She failed a second time with them and a second time with Beckett and Aubrey and this little kidnapping of their son. We've caught on to the game but we don't know all the players yet. So how do we find out who all is in the game?

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