The Labyrinth Master's Awakening

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(Disclaimer: I am not following canon. Signed, Fanfiction Author)

The Great Labyrinth of Orcus.

This is the name that was given to the labyrinth. And for hundreds of years, adventurers explored and challenged it for personal gain, fame and even wealth.

And even for hundreds of years, no adventurer, even those who were the strongest, had ever explored deep enough due to the power the monsters beyond Floor 65 had since the deepest the humans had gone was at this certain floor.

But, ever since then it had been one of the most popular sites for adventurers to challenge.

Not really, since nobody was simply able to just go deeper down into the 65th floor since at these moments, only 45 floors of the Labyrinth have been fully mapped.

It could be said that the Labyrinth in itself was going to stay there until the end of time. Nobody had ever cleared it, and the humans decided that if someone does clear the labyrinth, they would be given whatever they need.

Obviously, wealth and power.

Up on the north, inside a certain Holy Mountain, several robed men and a certain priest began chanting prayers continuously in front of an altar.

A magical circle full of glyphs was glowing brightly, and someone was about to be summoned.

"The greatest pawn is about to come.... Make haste in preparing..." The old priest said, smiling creepily as many thoughts were made around his mind.

However, what he didn't know was that many people will be summoned instead of just the Hero.


Seriously, why should we start here? This isn't the story of that certain Hero Party with several irresponsible and delusional members, when there's somebody down there who is our real Main Protagonist?


*The narrator is having a coffee break this moment, go to the next paragraph to proceed*

Now where were we?

Down in the deepest part of the Great Labyrinth of Orcus, in the Abode of Traitors, a corpse sat in solitude, and its clothing was most possibly the only thing that was keeping the skeletal corpse intact.

It had already been aged, for hundreds of years, and not once had it began rotting completely.

If anybody else had seen the corpse, they might appreciate how well-dressed it was, and probably might just steal whatever belonging he has, on rare occasions it won't, only burying it and leaving it untouched.

But now....

The eyesockets of the skeleton suddenly gained an eerie purple light, before a purplish glow surrounded the body.

At the same time, a gigantic crystal manifested above the throne, and roots deep from the ground came out, holding the crystal in mid-air.

The monsters in the Labyrinth have also been weakened throughout this process, and the stronger ones were not much affected by it.

This whole, slow process took several minutes, causing earthquakes to engulf the whole Labyrinth, its 100 floors, and the land above it.

After the process was done, in mere milliseconds, the skeleton regenerated, starting from the organs, to nerves, to blood vessels, until eventually the original body was restored.

It was given life.

He was given life.

Awaken, Master of Labyrinths.

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