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Waking up with a headache and the biggest last minute munchies is not ideal. I woke up last night at around 4 had a smoke and fell back asleep so now the munchies are hitting me hard at 7am.

Walking down the stairs of my mother's house, itching my naked stomach, I walk into the kitchen. "goddamn don't you just look like a ray of sunshine." mason my oldest brother say. Ignoring the snickers from my other relatives, I tug at my messy curls raiding the cupboards for something that's made out of pure sugar but coming up empty reminding myself that I have and almond mum.

"you got jet lag sweetie." my mum says further messing up the nest on my head. "yeah something like that." i mumble stepping out of her reach. I don't have jet lag I'm so used to going back and forth from the US to the UK I'm so use to the timing difference. I set down in the empty seat slouching, manspreading and stealing an ego drizzled in syrup from haden.

"fuck you man Dont steal my food cause you can't get laid and is mad about it." my brothers howl in laughter like a pack of wolves. I smack the back of hadens head trying not to crack a smile as I look over to my step dad seeing hes trying his hardest not the burst into laughter. "what do you know about getting laid big man all i hear from your room is Mia Khalifa getting back from her husband."

I see his face redden as my brothers gasp "damn harsh little BRO exposing him and all." Haden replies and Haden, mason and Kyle burst into laughter the front two legs of Kyles chair lifting as he throws back against his chair his whole body shuddering as he laughs.

"is that all your father has taught you this summer." my mum asks shaking her head at the situation. "what how to violate people? Nah that was all Laikon." my mum tuts. She believes laikon is a bad influence on me.

He's been my best friend since nursery back in London he's the only one that gets me and understands me and it pissed me off when I had to leave my best friend back in london when I was 14 to start some shitty new life in California and to be fair he's the only reason I fly my fat ass down to London anytime I have a chance.

"just get ready for college your already running late." oh yeah of course 'college' the one place I hate. I study history mechanics and law for 8 hours a day for no fucking reason. Rolling my eyes I drag myself out of my chair.

"imagine still being in education." Kyle snickers so I pretend to laugh dropping my expression two seconds later. "imagine having to repeat senior year twice and not being accepted into the local college which is literally made for imbeciles like you."

My mum gives me a threatening look so I just walk off trying not to start shit. Kyle is the second oldest being 26 years old he has a good paying office job and he's living with mum until his house with his girlfriend gets fully renovated. They were gonna move In together but finding out that she's 2 months pregnant meant that they didnt want to risk anything happening cause the house isn't full livable yet.

Mason is 28 and lives a couple houses away by himself so is here almost all the time his girlfriend is a lawyer so lives closer to her work which is alone 40 minutes away from us.

Then there is haden who is 23 and unemployed he's mams favourite so gets smother and loved and gets away with not getting a job he lives here and he also has a girlfriend but shes in college so he sees her as much as possible but he still gets lonely at night when she back at campus if you know what I mean.

The there is jaxon who is 22 hes in his last year of college so I rarely see him because when we're off for break I'm in London with my dad and that's the only time of the year we get to see him because he's a complete smartass and is at an ivy league college.

and then there is me 19 year old outcast broody pothead who is forced to go to college by my mother and either spends his day wondering the dark streets of California looking for a wall to climb and smoke from or at the shitty garage where I work downtown fixing cars for a living cause that's the only thing I'm good at.


Throwing on a random black shirt black jeans and my oreo jordan 4s I throw on a chain and run back downstairs I'm half an hour late to mechanics but when I say I couldn't give a flying fuck I mean it. I walk into the living room where my unemployed brother sat alongside the other 2 and there girlfriends ignoring all of them snuggled together I grabbed my black zip up throwing it on and zipping it halfways before throwing the hood up.

I stuff my hands into the pockets feeling the keys to my prize possession my blacked out 2010 hellcat that I brought when it was complete undriveable and work $3000 I spent everyday of my life working on it until it was the way it is now. "why do you always where that hoodie theo I've known you since you were 17 and I've never seen you without it." layla kyles girlfriend asks.

I shrug not bothering to have this conversation. "theo stop being so rude and take that hood of you indoors." my mother says nudging my should. "I'm gone" I tell her walking out the door and driving to my college of course I got lecture but my professor for being late but who gives a fuck.

One thing I'll never understand is why professor even bother trying to yell at me for someing I did wrong cause unless theres gonna insult me and physically fight me there useless words don't mean shit and isn't about to teach me a lesson.

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