I somehow managed to relax a bit and the whole thing just seemed to get thrown into the back of my mind. Like it didn't matter anymore. 

“Are you sure? And you don't have to report me to the director or put me through another one of those damned mental health evaluations?” I questioned.

Kerian just laughed as he leaned forward pressing his forehead against my own with a smile on his face. “Yes, I'm sure. Should anything else happen or you see anything out of the ordinary then come to me, don't be afraid. I'll make sure to take care of you no matter what… ok?”

“sure… I'm sorry you had to come baby me and patch me up on your day off.” 

“don't worry about it ava. I'll do anything for you… Anything.” his tone and expression seemed to turn a bit darker with that last phrase only to return to normal seconds later. 

“Now I've gotta go take care of some things, are you gonna be okay by yourself?” he asked as he pulled away and grabbed his lab coat off my desk chair.

“Yeah…I'll be fine, gonna try to get some sleep.” 

“great!” He smiled back at me. “then I'm gonna get going. I'll check in on you in a few hours!”


With that kerian left my quarters, leaving me alone in the quiet dimly lit room with nothing but my thoughts. That was…strange? No it's probably just me imagining stuff Again. Whining I laid back on my bed and stared at the ceiling, feeling off about the whole situation.

Closing my eyes I tried to think about what happened at the pool but for some reason everything seemed fuzzy and I could no longer remember all the details, my mind felt muddled and warped. Even as I opened my eyes again I felt dizzy. God what is wrong with me? Maybe I really Do need to get some proper sleep.

giving up on trying to remember what happened at the pool, I flicked off the light and pulled my blanket over myself as I curled up in bed and closed my eyes.

Here's to hoping I get some sleep tonight…

—hours later—

Opening my eyes I was greeted by nothing but darkness. Blinking a few times I sat upright, rubbing my eyes. “Uhg what time is it?” looking over to my alarm clock, I found No numbers or lights lit up on the screen. Confused, I picked the device up, tapped it a few times and pressed the power button but there was still no response.

‘shit is it broken?’ my eyes followed the cord and I checked to make sure it was plugged in properly.  Seeing it was. I glanced towards my desk and climbed out of bed, setting the non-functioning clock down. 

“I better not have slept in and been late for work.” pressing a few buttons on my laptop I was confused when nothing happened. Once again I tried the power button and it didn't work. ‘What on earth is going on? I had this thing fully charged!’

Moving towards the front door I flicked on the light switch and once more, there was nothing. Was there some kind of power outage?

Looking around I couldn't help but also notice the calendar I had hanging on the wall was now on the floor. 

Stepping over I picked it up, flipping it open to this month's page, but what I saw left me feeling unnerved. All the days were crossed out.

It's only the 15th of this month– flipping through I found the next two months were also completely crossed out. Opening up on the third month I saw a few days crossed out and then one day practically destroyed and covered in X marks and circles. I couldn't make out anything underneath the red ink that might hint As to why that day was so important but judging by the rest of the calendar I knew the date was Oct 25th.

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