Everything pure is gone

Start from the beginning

The person inside was Felicia, Isaac's 20-year-old girlfriend. Felicia is a highly intelligent psychopath with deranged tendencies. She never cared about anyone or anything. But after meeting Isaac and falling in love with him, she found a purpose to be in his life. She's obsessed with this feeling of love and will do anything to keep it. Even if it means killing anyone who threatens it. But beyond that, she is genuinely nice and sweet, especially to those that Isaac trusts. She also has tendencies to destroy what she loves, which means having the urge to cut Isaac and give him slashes. But since Isaac can't die, he doesn't mind.

She was lying on the floor smiling with blood on her face. And all around her were four dead teens, their hearts stabbed multiple times and their throats cut open. When she saw Isaac, she got up and kissed him like it was no big deal. Tanisha recognized her and sighed in disappointment.

Tanisha: Hello again, Felicia. I shouldn't be surprised that your love-obsessed ass stalked my brother and followed us here.

Felicia: Nice to see you, Tanisha. And you should know that I'd follow my Isaac to the ends of the earth.

Tanisha: Mmhmm. And why did you kill these guys? And please tell me they weren't innocent.

Felicia: They're the ones who tried to rape me, I was just defending myself. My body belongs to only my Isaac. And I've been thinking about him the whole day.

Isaac: Baby, why did you follow me here? You were supposed to be at the asylum getting help. Did you......

Felicia: No! I never killed the doctors, they were all gone and the walls crumbled down from the earthquake! And you were the only thing on my mind when this apocalypse began, baby! I had to come and make sure you were safe!

Isaac: If that's true then why didn't you let me know you were here?

Felicia: Because I loved watching you work, you looked so sexy.

The moment turned into more kissing after Felicia forced one on him. But Tanisha pulled Felicia off since she was pretty mad all of the sudden.

Tanisha: If you were stalking us then that means you were watching us in the basement! You didn't think it was a good idea to stop stalking after you saw my brother get stabbed?!

Felicia: My heart was bleeding when I saw that zombie attack my boyfriend and I wanted to snap their fucking necks!! But then I knew that Isaac could never die, and I knew he'd win the fight. What a dreamboat!

Tanisha: Wait, you knew about this?! You know about Isaac being immortal?!

Isaac: I told her not to tell. No one knows about my immortality, not even my victims from the past.

Tanisha: I can't believe I'm involved with an immortal big brother and a crazy psycho bitch. Does she even know that we're all trapped in this prison, or is she too blinded by love?

Isaac: She's just as intelligent as me, she understands fully. But we need to keep moving, now. Felicia, do you have a gun?

Felicia: Just this plasma pistol that I stole from this dead idiot. But don't you worry about me, baby. You worry about...

Randomly out of nowhere a giant skeleton hand popped up from the ground and grabbed Tanisha's leg and tried to pull her down the hole. Isaac quickly shot that hand and shattered it, freeing and saving his sister. But a huge bone shard pierced through Isaac's heart, causing him to bleed out and fall on his knees. Felicia rudely shoved Tanisha out of the way while frantically checking on Isaac.

Felicia: My poor baby!! What happened, where are you hurt, are you okay?!?

Isaac: I'm dying... again. I'll be fine after... a while.

The Eternal Damnation: Ties that bindWhere stories live. Discover now