Chapter 38

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One evening, Isabella came in hopping back from her college and found the living room filled with her brothers, each engrossed in their activities.

"Hey, what's going on?" Isabella asked, noticing the unusual gathering.

Giovanni looked up from his book, sharing a glance with Gabriele. "Nothing much, just hanging out."

Alessandro, the mastermind behind most of the protective measures, added, "We thought we'd spend some quality time together."

Isabella, ever perceptive, raised an eyebrow. "Quality time? Or is this another intervention?"

Lorenzo, the voice of reason, smiled reassuringly. "No interventions, Isabella. Just some brotherly bonding."

She settled on the couch, surrounded by her brothers, and the atmosphere shifted from surveillance to genuine connection.

Matteo, always the peacemaker, started the conversation. "How's college, Isa? Making friends?"

Isabella chuckled, "Yes, Matteo, I am. But you guys seem more interested in my social life than I am."

Riccardo, unable to contain his curiosity, asked, "Anyone special?"

Isabella rolled her eyes, "Oh please, I'm not a teenager anymore. I can handle myself."

Giovanni smirked, "Teenager or not, you'll always be our baby sister."

As the banter continued, Alessandro decided to address the elephant in the room. "Isabella, we just want you to be safe. College is a different world, and we can't help but worry."

Gabriele added, "You're the youngest, Isa. It's our job to worry about you."

Isabella sighed, realizing the sincerity behind their actions. "I know you guys mean well, but I need my space too. I promise I'll be careful, okay?"

Lorenzo, sensing the need for compromise, spoke diplomatically, "We trust you, Isa. But you have to understand, we can't help but worry. It's in our nature."

Alessandro nodded in agreement, "We're not trying to smother you, Isa. Just looking out for you."

Isabella, touched by their concern, smiled, "I love you guys, you know that, right?"

The room filled with nods and smiles, the unspoken understanding of their bond stronger than ever.

Days turned into weeks, and the D'Angelo household settled into a new rhythm. Isabella, reassured by her brothers' love, started sharing more about her college experiences. The brothers, in turn, began to relax their protective stance, realizing that Isabella was indeed capable of navigating her path.

One evening, as they all gathered for dinner, Isabella shared a funny story from college, and laughter echoed through the dining room. Lorenzo, looking around at his siblings, felt a surge of gratitude. In their unique ways, they each contributed to creating a home filled with love, laughter, and a deep sense of family.

As the evening drew to a close, Isabella hugged each of her brothers, a silent acknowledgment of the unbreakable bonds that held them together. In their protective instincts, occasional disagreements, and shared laughter, the D'Angelo siblings found strength in their connection—a bond that would endure the tests of time and the challenges of life.

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