Chapter 37

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Isabella was adjusting to college life, navigating the challenges of classes, making new friends, and experiencing the excitement of newfound independence. 

Her brothers, however, were sometimes busy because of the empire but they always had time for their family.

One sunny afternoon, Isabella was chatting with a fellow student, a friendly guy named Marco, in the college courtyard. 

They were engrossed in conversation when Alessandro, the second eldest, arrived to pick Isabella up. 

His eyes narrowed as he observed the interaction between Isabella and Marco.

Alessandro, sensing the need for intervention, approached them with a charming smile that barely masked his protective instincts. "Isa, sorry to interrupt. We need to head home. Mom and Dad are expecting us."

Isabella glanced at her watch, seemingly surprised by the time. "Oh, Alessandro, I didn't realize it was so late. Marco, this is my brother, Alessandro. Alessandro, this is Marco, my classmate."

Alessandro offered a curt nod, eyeing Marco with a subtle but clear hint of possessiveness. "Nice to meet you, Marco. We should get going."

As they walked away, Alessandro couldn't help but glance back to ensure Marco wasn't following. Little did he know, Riccardo, Matteo, and Lorenzo were waiting at home, each engrossed in their respective activities.

When Alessandro arrived home with Isabella, he immediately sought out the others. "Guys, you won't believe what I saw today."

The brothers gathered in the living room, their curiosity piqued. "What happened?" Lorenzo asked, glancing up from his book.

Alessandro took a deep breath, trying to keep his cool. "Isabella was talking to a guy from her college, Marco. They seemed pretty friendly, and I don't like it."

Riccardo, always protective, frowned. "What do you mean, 'friendly'?"

Alessandro recounted the incident, detailing how Marco and Isabella were engaged in conversation. Giovanni and Gabriele exchanged glances, and the twins shared an unspoken understanding.

Giovanni, the more outspoken of the twins, spoke up, "We can't let just anyone get close to Isa. What if this guy has bad intentions?"

Matteo, who had been quietly observing, chimed in, "I agree. We need to keep an eye on her, make sure she's safe."

Lorenzo, the eldest, spoke with a calm authority, "Let's not jump to conclusions. Isabella is old enough to make her own choices, but it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye out for her well-being."

Over the next few days, the D'Angelo brothers couldn't help but feel a growing sense of protectiveness over Isabella. They took turns picking her up from college, subtly investigating her friends, and maintaining a watchful eye over her social interactions.

Isabella, unaware of the protective surveillance, noticed a shift in her brothers' behavior. 

One evening, as they all gathered for dinner, she couldn't help but inquire, "What's going on with you guys lately? You've been acting... different."

The brothers exchanged glances, and Lorenzo finally spoke, "Isa, we love you, and we just want to make sure you're safe. College can be a big adjustment, and we're here for you."

Isabella was touched by their concern but couldn't resist a teasing smile. "You guys are like my personal bodyguards. I appreciate it, but I can handle myself."

As the laughter echoed through the D'Angelo home, the brothers couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. 

While their protectiveness might be a bit overboard, it stemmed from a deep love for their sister, a bond that transcended the passage of time and the challenges of growing up.

The D'Angelo FamilyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz