Chapter 30

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The D'Angelo family, being super rich, lived in a luxurious mansion that could easily be mistaken for a five-star hotel. 

They had everything one could ever dream of: a private cinema, an indoor pool, a gourmet chef, and a massive garden with peacocks strutting around. But despite their opulence, their true treasure was their love for one another.

In the following days, the D'Angelos decided to lighten the mood and bring some laughter back into their lives. 

Giovanni, being the prankster of the family, came up with a brilliant idea to surprise Gabriele and remind him that life could be filled with joy.

The plan was set into motion during one of their extravagant family dinners. As the family sat around the dining table, enjoying a meal prepared by their gourmet chef, Giovanni gave Isabella a subtle nod. 

Isabella, who was equally mischievous, cleared her throat and put on a serious expression.

"Everyone, I have an announcement to make," she declared, making sure to keep a straight face.

The room fell silent, and even the staff members who were serving the food looked intrigued.

"I've decided to pursue a career in professional clowning!" Isabella proclaimed dramatically.

The entire family stared at her, stunned into silence for a moment before breaking into laughter. Lorenzo nearly choked on his drink, and their parents exchanged amused glances.

Giovanni couldn't resist playing along, "Oh, Isabella, are you sure? What about your studies?"

Isabella giggled, "Don't worry, big brother. I'll balance my academic life and my clowning career. Who knows, maybe one day, I'll be the first clown with a Ph.D.!"

The table erupted into laughter once again, and even the staff members couldn't contain their amusement.

Gabriele, who had been a bit reserved since his confession, felt his spirits lift as he laughed along with his family. 

The sight of Isabella pretending to be a clown was so unexpected and comical that it brought a much-needed spark of joy to the room.

As the evening continued, they shared funny family stories and played hilarious pranks on each other. Giovanni had prepared a surprise video compilation of their most embarrassing moments, and they all laughed until their stomachs hurt.

Everyone tried to help Gab out and that worked magically because that made him happy.

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