Chapter 33

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One sunny afternoon, Isabella skipped down the hallway of the D'Angelo mansion, humming a cheerful tune. 

As she passed by Gabriel's room, she heard the familiar sound of their laughter, and her curiosity got the best of her. She decided to join in on their call, just for fun.

Knocking playfully on the door, she pushed it open without waiting for a response. "Hey, lovebirds! Mind if I crash your call?"

Gabriel looked up, surprised but delighted to see his younger sister. "Isabella! Come on in. Ginevra, this is my adorable little sister, Isabella."

Ginevra's eyes lit up with a warm smile. "Hi, Isabella! It's so nice to meet you. Gabriel has told me a lot about you."

Isabella giggled and waved at the screen. "Hi, Ginevra! I've heard about you too. Gabriel talks about you all the time, like, all the time!"

Gabriel blushed slightly, trying to play it cool. "Oh, really, Isabella? What have I been saying about Ginevra?"

Isabella grinned mischievously. "Well, you've been saying how awesome she is and how much fun you have talking to her. You even told me about the cute way you met online!"

Ginevra and Gabriel both burst into laughter. "I can't believe you remember all that, Isabella," Gabriel said, his eyes full of affection for his little sister.

"Of course, I do!" Isabella exclaimed, plopping herself down on the chair beside Gabriel. "You were so giddy and smiley after your first call with Ginevra. 

It was like watching a love-struck puppy!"

Ginevra giggled. "Isabella, you have such a way with words. I can see why Gabriel adores you so much."

Isabella blushed at the compliment but quickly recovered her bubbly demeanor. 

"Aw, thanks, Ginevra! But seriously, you make my big brother so happy. It's like you two are a perfect puzzle fit or something!"

Gabriel chuckled, ruffling Isabella's hair affectionately. "You've got a way of seeing things, kiddo."

Isabella nodded, looking at Ginevra earnestly through the screen. "Well, I just wanted to say that I'm really glad you're a part of our family, even if you're not here in person yet. And I can't wait to meet you for real!"

Ginevra's eyes softened with warmth. "Thank you, Isabella. Your family means the world to Gabriel, and he means the world to me too. I'm excited to meet all of you in person someday soon."

As the conversation continued, Isabella and Ginevra found themselves bonding over their shared love for art and storytelling. 

They exchanged funny anecdotes and even came up with a silly story about a mischievous cat and a clever squirrel that had them both laughing uncontrollably.

As the call ended, Isabella gave Ginevra a virtual hug. "You're officially my friend now, Ginevra!"

Ginevra beamed. "I'm honored, Isabella! You're such a wonderful friend."

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