Chapter 25

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*Must read*

Hello everyoneeee!!!

*giving you a slice of pizza with your favourite soda drink*

I'm backkk!!!

I'm a little sad because I don't see the votes and also the comments.

I will be absolutely okay without the votes but I need your guys' comments.

That will make me a lot much happy.

Please don't be a silent reader and support me with your comments and love.

I love you all and please love me too!

Alrighty theeennnn!!!! 

Let's start!!!!

Gabriele's POV~




What the fuck!

Why me?

That bitch, Mateo.

He dared to get me in the situation.


That hoe!

"Get in line with Mateo, and you too Gab!" Dad shouted from the front.

I don't wanna train.

Its fucking four in the morning right now.


But still, it isn't much worse than car washing.

I feel a shudder run down my body.

Oh, those memories.


I shivered out of my thoughts and looked at Dad calling me from the material room.

I ran up to him and stood in front of him with my hands behind my back.

"Help me with these son, will you?" Dad asked me while looking at those big heavy cans.

Fuck no!

I'm not doing this exercise today.

The can's exercise is much worse than waking up in the fucking morning.

It's not like you don't wake up till 5 to talk to your bab-

Shut up bitch.

My other bitch.

How you doin'?



He isn't talking now! 


"Yeah! Sure Dad!" 

I nodded and helped him by picking up those cans.

I turned back and looked at Teo challenging a boy bigger than his age to a fight.

Mateo is really good at fighting than me or my stupid twin.

He is older than us so he is skilled.

There was a period when I felt like I need to give up.

I never told my parents about it but my twin knows.

He knows about my self-harm and also about my attempts.

I'm more scared of failure than death.

I sometimes feel like my parents, brothers, sister and my whole family deserve a good brother or a nephew. 

They don't deserve me.

My girlfriend is really sweet to me.

She helped me in between my episodes and she also took care of me.

She stays with me on the call, whenever I go to sleep.

We talk at night and she always consoles me, when I have those bad thoughts.

Only my brothers and cousins brothers know about my self-harm and the attempts. 

They try to console me but every time I feel like their words aren't strong enough to stop me. 

I try my best to live my life but everything hits me so hard that it feels like I should end myself.

I'm not that much good at studies like my brothers, and sister.

I'm a little bit of an average student.

I feel like a disappointment to all of my brothers, and also to my parents and sister.

They are so good at studies but I'm just so average.

I'm a disappointment.

I feel black clouds appearing in front of me while I carry those cans.

I lost control, and it feels like my body is light.

I feel myself fall and then I welcomed the black light in front of me.

I am a really big failure.

This chapter is dedicated to me.

It hurts when other betray you or leave you for a new person.

Please don't do this to others.

I love you all and please don't forget this!


Let's meet you in the next chapter.

And please tell me your reviews on this chapter.

Till then, Bye! 


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