Lisa just put up a thumbs up sign before she ran out. Yes! Freedom! Who the heck finds it exciting to read boring documents all day? Her members apparently. They were built tougher than her, she thought. She half walked half skipped towards the main desk outside Jennie's room.

"Mina, hi!" Lisa greeted as soon as she stood in front of Jennie's secretary desk.

The secretary let out a big smile. "Ms Lisa! What brings you here? I didn't know you'll be in the office today. If I'd known, I would've got your favourite snacks ready."

Lisa chuckles as she leaned down on Mina's desk. "You don't have to worry about it. I'm just glad that you still remembered my favourite snacks. When I passed your desk earlier I felt a bit disappointed that you're not here."

"Oh well, I'm here now. I'm just busy running around helping Ms Kim finalise our latest acquisition. What can I assist you with today?" Mina inquired.

"Here. Jisoo said she needs her PA to make copies of this. 3 sets. Mina.. Do you still keep the things I asked you to keep last time?" Lisa raised her eyebrows.

"Okay..I'll get that to her. And yes, it's still here locked in my drawer with my key in this mug conveniently left on the table here. You can have a seat and look around my place while I bring this to Ms Kim's PA."

As Mina stood up, she winked before she walked away. Lisa shook her head at her antics. Jennie's secretary is a flirt too. A harmless one at that.

"That's why you are my bestest secretary in the world, Mina!" Lisa called out to the retreating figure.

She looked around the area and when she deemed it safe enough, she quickly fished out the key and opened Mina's drawer. There it was. Situated in the middle of the first drawer, her backup Nintendo. Last time when Jennie took away her Nintendo, Bam told her to just buy another one and kept it with her most trusted person.

They knew Mina since her mom, Mrs Nim, brought her to their house and Lisa deemed her as her trusted person after her families and members, of course. She was making herself comfortable on Mina's chair when a voice suddenly spoke up in front of her.

"I saw that, Lis."

Lisa jumped in surprise. "Shit, Chaeng! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Rosie just shook her head. "I totally remembered Jennie unnie banned you from playing that stupid game."

"Urgh...just give me this, Chongah. I'm going to be back to that boring room staring at the wall in 15 minutes. If you agree to keep this quiet, I promise to share my Swiss chocolate with you." Lisa tried to bargain.

Before Rosie could say anything her phone vibrated and after she read the text she sighs. "Since I need to bring these files urgently to our Unnies, fine..I accept. I'll pretend I don't see anything. Make sure to come back in 15 minutes. If not you'll get Jennie unnie mad again."

Lisa let out a small squeal and danced happily in her chair when Rosie walked away. She quickly switched it on and logged into her Nintendo account. She grinned when she saw Bam's online. She invited him for a race and before long she was immersed in the game world. She didn't know how long she played but the moment she heard Jennie's voice she knew that she's going to be in trouble.

"Nini! Erm, hi!" Lisa gulped hard when she saw Jennie's eyes widened as she stared at her hand that was holding the game.

"Oh? I was just looking at it. This is not even mine.. I'm still waiting for Mina to come back with the copies Jisoonie asked for. Uh..I wondered why it took her so long..?" Lisa stuttered as she looked around the room.

Jennie raised her eyebrows. "Did you realise what time it is now?"

"'s already 15 minutes?" Lisa played innocent.

"2 hours! You have been sitting here playing for 2 hours!"

Lisa tried to protest but Jennie put up her hands.

"It has been 2 hours since Rosie last saw you flirt with Mina and 1 hour 30 minutes has passed since Jisoonie's PA passed her the copies."

"Huh? Really? Wait..what? I didn't flirt with Mina. Why didn't I see her?"

"I don't care about that. What I want to know, where the hell did you get that? I remembered I specifically told you that you are not allowed to play any games! And what did I see?" Jennie pointed to the game console in her hands.

Lisa pouted. "But I'm bored, Nini. You don't give me anything to do. So you can't expect me to just sit there not doing anything."

Jennie raised her eyebrows. "You were the one who said that you don't like to read the agreements. You said it's going to make you blind! Now you are complaining you got nothing to do? Are you really serious right now? And don't think I didn't see you there trying to sneak that game into your pocket, Lili!"

"Urghhhhh....fine! Here! You can keep it or throw it." Lisa grumbled as she passed, walking back towards her office.

As she walked into her room, she heard Rosie whisper to Lisa. "I warned you this would happen didn't I? Why didn't you come back earlier?"

"Why did you tell her that I flirted with Mina?" Lisa retorted back.

"Are you crazy? I never say anything! She saw it herself!" Rosie whispered back loudly forgetting that they were supposed to speak in a hush tone.

"Can you two keep it down, please. Chaeyoung I need you to focus! And Jenduke can you just give Lisa her damn game. She clearly doesn't want to be here." Jisoo piped up in a frustrated tone.

Lisa's mouth tightened in a straight line. She's getting frustrated too. She really didn't want to be in the office but Jennie promised her that she could hire Niki only if she followed her in. She was startled when Jennie's hand shot up in front of her face. The older girl was offering her back her game. When Lisa looked at her curiously Jennie avoided her eyes.

"Here, take it. And you can go, Lili."

Lisa watched as Jennie stiffly walked back to her chair afterwards. Her face devoid of any emotions as she continues reading the documents silently. Lisa knew every gesture that Jennie made and at the moment it's clearly shown that the older girl is on the defensive mode. Lisa sighed. She really was rethinking about her decision to follow Jennie into their office today. She looked down at the game in her hand. Is it really worth it?

She stood up and left the room.

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