In the serene confines of the library, Raven's lips met mine in a passionate reunion. The soft rustling of pages and the scent of aged books formed a unique backdrop to our intimate moment. Her kisses carried the weight of unspoken emotions, a language only we understood.

Between those tender embraces, Raven expressed how much she missed me. "I missed you," she whispered, each word a delicate note in the silent symphony of our reunion. Her arms enveloped me, as if trying to erase the distance time had imposed upon us.

Me:I missed you too

I confessed, my voice a soft murmur that echoed in the quiet sanctuary of the library. The silver gleam in my eyes mirrored the myriad emotions swirling within me. The library transformed into our private haven, shielding us from the outside world.

As our kisses deepened, the conversation of passion and longing unfolded without the need for spoken words. Raven's fingertips traced patterns along my back, weaving a silent tale of affection and desire. Whispers of endearments found their way into the spaces between kisses, adding an extra layer of intimacy to our shared moment.

Her presence felt like a warm embrace as she settled onto my lap, her arms wrapping around me in a tight hug. The library's quietude became a backdrop to our shared intimacy, a sanctuary where unspoken emotions found expression.

Raven, relentless in her pursuit of being close, had convinced John Constantine, her adopted father, to allow her to attend the same school just to be near me. I couldn't help but be touched and slightly bewildered by the lengths she went to for our connection.

Me:Did you really have to do that?

I asked, a mix of surprise and gratitude in my voice.

Me:I mean, I'm not that special.

She responded with a silence that spoke volumes, capturing my words in another kiss. The world outside the library seemed to fade away, leaving only the echo of our shared connection.

Breaking the kiss, she looked into my eyes, a soft smile playing on her lips.

Raven:You are special to me

she admitted, her voice a gentle melody.

Raven:being close to you is worth any effort.

I couldn't help but smile in return, appreciating the depth of our bond.

Me:I'm glad you're here

I confessed, wrapping my arms around her in return. The library, witness to our shared moments, held the whispers of our emotions like the pages of a silent love story.

Me:So, how's Japan?

I inquired, my arms resting casually on my waist. The library, with its timeless ambiance, provided the perfect backdrop for a conversation that transcended the physical distance that had separated us.

Raven, perched on the edge of a nearby table, regarded me with a playful glint in her eyes.

Raven:Japan is incredible

she began, her words carrying the excitement of exploration.

Raven:The culture, the people, everything is so vibrant and full of life. It's different from what I've known, and I love every bit of it.

I nodded, a subtle smile playing on my lips.

Me:It's quite the change from where you were before

I remarked, reminiscing about her previous surroundings.

She chuckled, a melodic sound that echoed in the quiet corners of the library.

Raven:Absolutely. America had its charm, but there's a unique energy here in Japan. It's like stepping into a different world.

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