chapter 3: karma part 3

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Third person POV

Jason stared into the crowd as he had a huge grin the students and teachers wondered how the fuck is he still alive they thought he was dead and now he showed up with such charisma Yang and the rest had none of it

Yang: who cares if he's back he should have just rot and died where he was

She yelled at him

Jason paid no attention to her his eyes watched out for ozpin and the rest of the leaders

Yang: hey I'm talking to you

Again silent

She walked in front of him

Yang: hey looser I was talking to you

Everyone had one thing in mind, he was all talk he came in with a big mouth and now in front of yang stood like a mouse they all thought he was afraid she grinned and was about to punch him izuku, shoto and mono wanted to stop her, bakugo issei and Cardin tried to stop them Jason said one word


Yang stopped instantly she was completely frozen all eyes were on Jason they could see his once silver eye was blood red with a strange pattern

Ruby: what did you do to my sister

She yelled

Jason's hand cackled with lightning he brought his hand back and was about to thrust it right through Yang's heart

Ruby: don't

Issei: he's going to kill her

Izuku: don't do it

Yang's eyes widened she looked into his eyes, yes he was going to stab her infact downright kill her


His hand already covered with lightning was only a few centimeters from heart until a cane struck his hand and collided with the ground instead causing a crater Jason's emotionless eyes looked at where the cane came from

Ruby: head master ozpin Jason almost killed my sister

Ozpin: miss rose please be quiet

Ozpin: Jason I'm glad you could keep your own end of the deal

Jason ran his fingers through his hair

Jason: I don't go against any deal I make that's not how I role

Ozpin: OK then but please it would be good you don't kill any of the students here

Jason: depends on who ticks me off

He said gazing at Cardin, issei the girls and most especially his old family Damien's gaze also met his

Jason: hmph

Issei: he almost killed yang how can you turn a blind eye on this

Ozpin: Jason's position far surpasses Yang's at least he didn't kill her if not for me

Rias: headmaster ozpin can you shed more light on this

Ozpin: the mysterious vigilante is Jason

They were murmurs, shouts and looks of disbelief

Bakugo: how is that possible he's weak and pathetic how could he accomplish such feats

Ozpin: I have no  idea

Rias: I don't believe it

Izuku: you paused yang that word you use I've seen many videos of using time to stop his opponent and most especially that red of yours

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