What A Great Start to 2024!

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Wow, It's not even been a full month and we went from 2k to 3k! The best part is I'm still getting Views and comments on my books which makes me really happy that you guys like my writing and my wacky idea of a fanfic lol. But in all seriousness I never honestly expected to get this many reads, let alone have this many people interact with my books. Across all 3 books I have I have a total of 4,564 views! Which doesn't even include the amazing comments, follows and votes I've gotten! So I'm really thankful. I originally started this fanfic as a extra to my very 1st book (My Megumin x Reader Fanfic) But overtime it became my main fanfic to the point where I no longer work on any other fanfics other than this one. when I started writing in 2023 I never expected my work to get this big or far. Now it's 2024, Konosuba season 3 comes out in April and I'm still writing fanfic chapters when I can. I honestly expected to stop a while ago and yet here I am still kicking out of the hundreds of writers and even though I'm not the most popular it does make me happy to still have people interact with my books 0u0. Well, that's all I had to say! I got to continue working on the next chapter! See ya!

God's blessing on this OP reader! (Konosuba x OP male reader)Where stories live. Discover now