Y/n Vs A duke of hell?!

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(Y/n's POV)

We were at the mansion. YunYun had finally arrived at the mansion where we all just relaxed for the day. When we got a knock on our door.

Sena: "Is Y/n, L/n here?"

Y/n: "That's me! How may I help you?"

Sena: "There's some suspicious activity inside of Klee's dungeon. An place you guys recently explored. I ask that close to down fall you guys accompany me to the Dungeon and deal with this matter at once. If not then there will be legal action taken against you guys."

Y/n: "Alrighty, We'll join you at down fall."

I went back inside and explained the situation to them.

Kazuma: "I bet it's because of the magic circle Aqua drew. If it's a monster or somethin'."

Y/n: "Fair point. Well then, we have time to relax till then."

Chris: "Hey, Y/n. Wanna go hang out around town?"

Y/n: "I have nothing to do, Sure."

Chris: "Alrighty let's go!"

We went to go do something in town.

Kazuma: Something's up with him and Chris, Megumin too...


Y/n: "So, what did ya have in mind?"

Chris: "There's an event going on at a shop called the Toy collectors. They're having contest's where you play games and in return get toy's for free if you win!"

Y/n: So like a Fair. Nice.

Y/n: "Alrighty, Let's do it!"

We sawed a test your strength game.

Chris: "Y/n! Y/n!"

Y/n: "That's me."

Chris: "Can you win me the teddy bear? I really like it!"

Y/n: "How about we both try?"

Chris: "Okay!"

She tried to hit it but didn't get it high enough.

Chris: "Awe man!"

I tried and reached the top 3 times since it went up and down 3 times.

Chris: 0o0

Gamemaster: O-O

A/n: OwO'

Y/n: ^u^"

I won the teddy bear with a heart in it's hands for her

We went and spent a good while playing other games. We ended up winning a couple prizes before leaving to go have supper back at the mansion. I had gotten an light that say's 'EXPLOSION!' that lit the same colors as an explosion and I won an grappling hook that's fit Serenity perfect. The best part is that it actually worked!

We arrived back at the mansion...

Kazuma: "Hey Guy's, Perfect timing! Dinner's gonna be done in 10 minutes."

Y/n: "Thanks Kazuma."

Kazuma: "No problem."

Chris: Y/n won me a teddy bear with a heart! This is the best day ever!

Y/n: "Yo Kazuma! Quick question, Do you know where Megumin is?"

Kazuma: "She was in her room last time I sawed her, Also what about Serenity? You didn't bring her with you, No? I'm assuming you got her a gift too?"

Y/n: "Wha! How do you know?!"

Kazuma: "Chris seems way to happy to have won that herself. And you have two more winnings in that bag you want to give them, no?"

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