Dullahan and Mitisurgi the Swordsmen!

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It was 6AM the next day and i had just woke up, got dressed and headed out to the guild. About the explosion me and Megumin were suppose to do, well we decided to skip on it for that day and save it for a sunnier day when 'we could see it in it's full potential' according to Megumin. She still casted one though. Me and Serenity had reached the guild when i sawed Kazuma, Chris and Megumin.

Y/n: "Hey guys! Welcome back Chris."

Megumin: "Wah?! H-Hey Y/n!"

Chris: "Huh?! Oh, H-Hey Y/n!"

Kazuma: "Yo."

Y/n: "Everything alright?"

Kazuma: "Well-"

Megumin: "Yes! You just caught me by surprise and I didn't see you there. Plus I haven't had breakfast yet so I better have some!"

Chris: "And I was so lost in Conversation with Megumin and Kazuma that I didn't see you and Haven't had breakfast so I'm gonna have some!"

Kazuma: "I was just talking to them about-"

Chris and Megumin Stared at Kazuma.

Y/n: I can sense both tension and shyness?

Serenity: Good Job! your hyper senses are getting there!

Kazuma: "Actually, It's a secret. It's pretty embarrassing to them."

Y/n: "Aw Man, now I wanna hear it."

Kazuma: "Sorry bro." you may be wondering what's happening here, well...


Kazuma: Damn, there's no-one here. well better than being with that goddess with how wasted she was last night.

Megumin had walked in with Chris, they appeared to be, arguing?

Chris: "Kazuma, thank goodness! can you settle an argument?"

Kazuma: "Uhh Depends." If it's chest size, then Chris wins by it at least being seeable.

Megumin: "She's Trying to say that it's unfair that I get to go for explosion walks with Y/n and there's nothing she can do with him. I think that it's fair because I'm a better match for him to be with."

Chris: "Hey! you're making it sound like your better for him to date with that tone!"

Megumin: "Well Maybe I am? Other than Serenity we're pretty close! why, Are you jealous?"

Chris: "I think you're forgetting the fact that you only just started hanging out with him, his schedule is still pretty empty since we're in the same party."

Megumin: "Oh ho! you Starting a challenge? I'd have you know i have a no lose streak with my rival back from The Crimson Demon Village!"

Chris: "And I've never been caught stealing once, And I know something you don't want me to!"

Megumin: "Which is?"

Chris: "Y/n's house location!"

Megumin: "IMPOSSIBLE! There's no way you can have that! he hasn't even told Kazuma i heard! I thought i was the only one"

Chris: "I sawed him go in one day. and not only that! but it's a 3 bedroom house, One for Y/n, one for Serenity, and one for Anyone else. Or me of course!"

Kazuma: "So, What argument am I settling here?"

Chris: "Which one of us is more worth Y/n's time?"

Kazuma: "Both of you, he likes you both very much. So he'd probably wouldn't mind making time for the both of you guys, plus you both are nice to him. he does anything for anyone good or nice to him and others."

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