meeting the team!

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At the table not too far away was Kazuma. I walked over to them.

Kazuma: "Y/n my man! How are you?"

Y/n: "I'm good, been busy though. just finished my first quest."

Kazuma: "Yeah, we did too. Damn Giant Toad quest. Hate them but there's nothing you can do when you're broke."

???: "You're not gonna introduce the goddess sitting right next to you?!"

Serenity: Oh just to let you know this goddess can be VERY annoying.

Y/n: joy

Kazuma: "Oh, yeah, this is the useless goddess Aqua."

Aqua: "Useless?! I'm the goddess of water you fool! how could you call me useless?! who is this guy to you anyways? is he your Shut-in NEET friend or something?"

Kazuma: "We played games together, but he still went to school and stuff!"

Y/n: "Well then, you guys your own party?"

Kazuma: "Yep, we just posted a recruitment form on the board. it looks like a child drew it cause she wrote it up, but we're looking for people if you don't have one."

Y/n: "Sure, I'll join you guys!"

Kazuma: "alrighty. First we got to see your adventurer card."

i handed him my adventurer card.

Kazuma: "Goddamn! your stat's really are up there!"

Aqua: "Kazuma! Kazuma! you got to let him on! He's the highest class there is!"

Kazuma: "Bro, how'd you get so strong?!"

Y/n: "I don't know. i just know i have some stat buffs. and i can make any weapon i want and use any spell."

Aqua's and Kazuma's jaw hit the floor harder than a kid when they trip on untied shoe laces while playing dodge-ball.

Serenity: what type of a reference is that?

Y/n: I don't know that was random. yet again, I'm not the writer so.. :-|

A/N: Stop breaking the 4th wall!!!!!

Kazuma: "Bro, what did you chose to bring with you?!"

Y/n: "Oh, i didn't chose anything. i got assigned a goddess to aid me."

Kazuma, Aqua: "WHAT?!"

Y/n: "yep. though, I'm still not that good at fighting even with such ability's."

Aqua: "Wait a minute, is the goddess's name by chance Serenity?"

Y/n: "Um actually-"

out came Serenity

Serenity: "Yes Aqua, it is I, Serenity! the goddess of immense power!"

Y/n: i guess Aqua's not the only one who does god intro's.

Serenity: I only do it when I'm introducing myself and want to show off.

Aqua: "SERENITY?! But how did this Shut-in NEET get chosen by a goddess like you?!"

Serenity: "WATCH YOUR TONE!!"

this time it was Kazuma's and I's jaw who hit the floor.

Aqua: "I'm a goddess too! So I can talk to you howe-"

Serenity: "You're a Rank 4! I am a Rank 4 Elite! You have no right to talk to a higher up like that!"

Aqua: "Yes Ma'am"

God's blessing on this OP reader! (Konosuba x OP male reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat