But that time Emily Prentiss had trusted the wrong woman.

"Fuck you." - Daisy said simply after that brief reflection

"You help me kill her and then you mind telling me what she's like in bed? What a twisted mind you have princess, but you're doing a great job, you'll be rewarded." - said the boy, getting up from the armchair and leaving the room, leaving Daisy and Rose alone.

The time she spent with Rose always seemed to pass too quickly and the time she spent without her seemed to pass at the length of years. Those two hours flew by in the blink of an eye and Daisy found herself alone in her apartment again.

Emily hadn't returned and had left Daisy to sink into the depths of her mind. She felt like she was walking on tiptoe on the thin line that separated her from her most total madness. She was convinced that at any moment she would completely lose herself amidst her lies and pain.

That evening she was so immersed in pain, in guilt, in the fear of being alone forever, in the fear of losing Rose and in the fear of dying that the following day she was unable to wear her usual mask of cheerfulness and friendliness. She felt watched by the entire team, but especially by Emily.

However, she didn't have the emotional strength to change her attitude and pretend to be sunny and friendly again. That day she didn't feel like it, that day she wanted to stay turned off and silent. Emily had often given her unmistakable glances as if to ask her to speak in private, but each time she had pretended not to have understood their meaning and at the end of the work day she had returned home alone in silence.

It didn't take long before the bell on her front door rang and disturbed her from all the negative thoughts that kept running through her head. She knew very well who was on the other side of the door and she didn't want to get up to open it, but she also knew that Emily most likely wouldn't leave easily, so to save herself hours of phone calls and the ringing of the doorbell she went to open it.

"Hey." - Emily said as soon as the door was opened for her

"Hi." - Daisy said without giving her space to enter

The older agent couldn't help but notice that Daisy's appearance continued to worsen. She had dark circles under her eyes too deep to look human, her curly hair pulled back messily, and all her loose makeup smearing the edges of her tired, dull eyes.

"Are you okay?" - Emily asked, not sure how to start the conversation

"Of course Emily, why wouldn't I?" - said Daisy knowing full well that her boss would have no problem understanding that it was a lie

Emily responded with a bored look and made her way inside the apartment, without being invited by the owner, but at that moment she cared little about good manners, she wanted to understand what caused those depressive moments in the woman she was slowly and unconsciously falling in love.

"Of course Emily, you're welcome." - Daisy said ironically and closed the door behind them

They made their way silently to the kitchen. Emily couldn't help but look around and realize that everything was in disarray and many things were exactly as she had left them the day before when she left.

On the kitchen table stood an enormous bottle of Mexican white tequila, and a glass too large to drink that liquor that was too strong to be sustained in large quantities by someone of Daisy's physicality and mood.

"I thought maybe you wanted to talk for a bit." - Emily said, sitting on a chair around the table, the one opposite to the one where Daisy had already sat

"Don't try to be a profiler with me." - replied the young woman

"Thinking you want to talk isn't being a profiler, it's a course called being human and empathetic 101." - Emily said trying to defuse the situation with a bit of sarcasm

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