Chapter 15: You Found Me

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, Y/n was still trying to process the fact that Mori had just handed her a mission meant for executives. "I mean, I'm glad you want to trust me with this, but how do you expect me to find them exactly?"

"Any way you can think of. We at least know that the children all seem to have been taken while walking home after school. It seems that the culprit is targeting them when they're alone to prevent as many witnesses as possible. We've had neighbors of the children's families report seeing their backpacks sitting on the side of the road after they all went missing. It's almost like the culprit wants to make it aware that they've been abducted. It's an odd case, that's for sure, but I have faith that you'll do well."

Y/n thought about the best way to handle this. She pinched her lip in contemplation as she read over the file. "I could lure them out with some sort of bait, I guess. I might need a child for that, though. Where's Chuuya?"

He cleared his throat. "That is a possibility. However, let me make something very clear to you, Y/n. You must absolutely heed your instincts on this mission. We don't know the full extent of the culprit's abilities. We're not even sure how many of them we're dealing with, so you can't throw caution to the wind with this one. I'm sure I don't need to remind you how valuable you are to us." And to me, he thought.

"Understood," Y/n said, beaming with excitement over his concern for her.

"Very well. I will send for Chuuya and brief him on the matter. You may wait downstairs."

Y/n glanced to her side with wide eyes while pretending to pout. "But I think I'll miss you when I'm gone. Oh, what to do?" She glanced back at him.

Mori noticed her joking demeanor and decided to play along. "I'm not sure. Maybe you should consult a doctor about your issue. You may even need bed rest."

"You could just say it too, you know," she said, frowning for real this time.

He grinned, softly gazing at her. "I will indeed miss you, Y/n. In fact, with every waking moment that you are not by my side, even in my dreams, I never don't long to see your face and hear your voice. It is the only medicine I desire for my bloody and withered soul."

Y/n glanced away, blinded by his radiant smile.

Mori decided that it was the right time to give the item to her. "I can't help but adore the look you make, Y/n. Shall I entice you even more?" He stood closer to her. Y/n tilted her head to the side in confusion, her heartbeat accelerating. "Hold still," he said, walking behind her. Mori pulled out the amethyst necklace that he had been keeping safe for Y/n and clasped it around her neck. "I believe this was yours."

Y/n's eyes widened. She didn't even realize that her necklace had been missing to begin with. "You found it. How?" She said in a soft tone with her mouth agape. She was touched that of all things, it was this little ring on a silver chain that she had bought at that boutique that found its way back to Mori.

"I'm more interested in how you didn't notice it was missing. Not that observant, are we, Y/n?" He said, chuckling.

"I was just distracted. Thank you for finding it," Y/n said, with a gracious smile.

"Is it that important to you?" He asked, ignoring her misguided assumption that he was the one who found it instead of Chuuya.

Y/n knew exactly why she had bought it. "Uh, it's time for that mission now, yes? Okay, I'll go wait for Chuuya," she said, dodging his question.

Mori sighed. She still hasn't gotten over that bad habit of hers, he thought. "Then, you may go. I'll send Chuuya your way shortly, so report back to me if anything significant arises on your mission."

"Will do, boss—Mori," she said, hesitating on whether she should still call him her boss now that they were closer.

He liked seeing her confused. "Do you still only see me as your boss, Y/n?" He said.

"Does it bother you?"

"Try something more intimate," he said, smiling.

"Then—Rintarou?" She replied.

His eyes softened at her calling him by his first name. He smiled. "Then, you may call me that. But only for you. No one else. Let it be a sign that you are mine."

"Then, I will see you soon, Rintarou," she said. Y/n felt the frigidness of winter dissipate as the warmth of his name bound his existence to hers. What would the other members think of her referring to him so informally? Oh well, she thought.

"Be safe, Y/n." He really didn't want her to go yet.

As she was heading to the door, Y/n paused in her tracks. She turned around and walked over to Mori. "Oh, and I forgot—" She said, kissing him on his lips, "I love you too."

She left in a hurry to avoid seeing his reaction, but what remained plastered on his face was a blush so heavy that he had to take extra time to calm down before meeting with Chuuya.

Thank you for reading, lovelies!   :)   ///   To be continued... 🧡

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