Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Trying To Move On 2~

Start from the beginning

Just as I was walking over to the kitchen, my phone rang from my bedroom, so I turned back around and made my way into the room, seeing my phone on my bed, I pick it up and see the caller ID

Lucy Bronze


"Heya, Ingrid, i'm outside"

"Okay, i'll let Y/n know"

"Thanks, Ingrid, bye"

"Bye, Lucy"

I walked back into the living room to see Y/n staring at me, "It's your Mum, she's outside" I said softly.

Y/n's body stiffened, and this must have alerted María, because she started stirring, then she eventually opened her eyes.

"Morning, lazy bones" I said chuckling, Y/n looked at María and her face turned to a look of concern from Y/n's expression.

"What is wrong?" María asked softly, so I took a seat next to Y/n, "Lucy's here" I said softly, Y/n started to get fidgety, "Y/n, it's okay, it's okay. Remember, you are going to talk to her properly, sort all of this out. It'll be okay, darling. I promise. You've got me and María here as well, whenever you need us" I said, rubbing her shoulder gently.

"I- i'm just, i'm just scared that it'll get worse, Ingrid" Y/n whispered, María pulled Y/n in closely, so her head was resting on her chest.

"I know, I know. But it won't, not if you talk about everything, calmly. And tell her, and Keira about the other stuff, they need to know. Yeah?" I said calmly, Y/n nodded slowly.

"C'mon, i'll walk you down" I said as I stood up,

"Come here" María said, pulling her in for a hug.

"Te amo, Y/n. You will be okay, I promise" María said softly.

"I love you too, Auntie Mapi. Thank you" Y/n mumbled in response.

"I'll see you soon, okay?" María said as the hug broke off and Y/n stood up, Y/n nodded before she followed me to the door and outside of the apartment.

"Please, tell them everything, Y/n" I said firmly but as softly as I could, I pulled her in giving her a side walk as we walked down the corridor to the elevator. "Yeah, yeah I will" she said quietly.

We stepped into the elevator, in a comfortable silence, I still have her close to me, and she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Thank you for letting me stay last night, Ingrid"

"You're more than welcome to come over anytime, you know that. Me and María love having you over" I said, giving her a kiss on the top of her head.

The elevator comes to a stop, and the doors open to reveal the ground floor. We step out and make our way to the front doors, I scan us out and let Y/n out first, following on behind.

"There she is" Y/n said quietly, pointing to Lucy's car parked up on the side.

"Yeah. Okay, well, look after yourself, Y/n, please. And I know I keep repeating it, but talk to your Mother's, and tell them everything, yeah?" I said as I pulled her in for a hug.

"I will, I promise, thank you, Auntie Ingrid"

"I'll see you soon, bye, Y/n" I said as we separated, "Bye, Ingrid" she said before she slowly made her way to Lucy's car, I waited until she got in before letting myself back into my apartment complex.

Y/n's POV

"Hey, sweetheart" My Mum said as I got into the car, picking Narla up for me to sit down before handing Narla back to me.

"Hey, Mum, hello Narls" I said calmly, giving Narla cuddles as she jumped around on my lap.

"You okay?" My Mum then asked calmly, "Mhm, yeah. You?" I asked, "Yeah, i'm okay, do you fancy going on a walk on the beach?" My Mum then asked, "Uh- Yeah, sure. Okay" I responded quietly.

The drive was quiet, Narla had calmed down from excitement and was lying peacefully on my lap as I stroked her.

Eventually, we arrived at the beach we'd always walked Narla on, my Mum jumps out and I keep Narla in my arms as I get out before closing the door and setting her down on the ground, holding her by the lead.

We walked from the car park, and down the path that led to this beautiful beach in Barcelona.

We got onto the beach and Narla was desperate to be let off her lead, "Let her off if you want" My Mum said as we both looked down at our dog who was jumping at our feet.

I did what my Mum said, letting Narla off the lead, My Mum pulled a ball out of her pocket, and showed it to Narla before throwing it down the beach for Narla to go wild after it.

"Was you okay with Mapi and Ingrid?" My Mum asked as we walked along the beach slowly following Narla.

"Uh- yeah, yeah it was okay. We spoke a little and watched tellie for the rest of the night" I said quietly, My Mum hummed in response.

"Have- have you spoken to Kei?" My Mum then asked, looking at me briefly before she took the ball that Narla fetched back before throwing it again.

I looked at her, and shook my head in response, not really wanting to talk about Keira, not right now, i'm still far too hurt by all of that stuff with her and her girlfriend, even though they don't have a clue that I know.

"She's worried about you as well, Y/n" My Mum said looking at me concerned.

"Hmm, i'm fine" I mumbled as a response.

"No- sweetheart, you're not fine, and that's okay, you have every right to be upset, angry, hurt and whatever else it may be. That's on me and I know that, i'm sorry. But, Kei's your Mum as well, you already know that. If you don't want to talk to me and open up to me, I understand that too, i'm sorry I didn't notice before how much you have been struggling, but you need to talk to someone, whether it's me or Kei, that's up to you, completely. But I don't want you to bottle this all in, it's not going to help you, sweetheart" My Mum said, pulling me in gently, wrapping her arm around my shoulders, planting a kiss on my head.

I didn't respond at first, ensure of what to say. Do I tell her? Do I tell her about what I heard at Keira's? And tell her that Kei has absolutely no idea that I was there and heard all of what I heard. I- I fuck. This is just too much for me to handle.

"I just need time by myself at the moment" I said quietly as we continued our walk down the beach.

"Okay" was my Mum's response, "I'm sorry, Y/n, for everything" My Mum then added on, I looked at her sadly, and she had the same expression as myself.

"Im sorry for flipping out on you yesterday" I mumbled as I wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging her tightly.

"It's okay, I understand why. I'm not mad at you, darling, at all. I love you so much, but please, don't run off like that again. Just in that short time of not knowing where you were, it was the worst time of my life, Y/n" My Mum said softly, resting her chin on my head as we came to a stop and hugged tightly on the beach.

"I'm sorry for that as well. I promise, it
won't happen again" I mumbled as my head buried deeper into her chest.

"I love you, so much"

"I love you too, Mum"

I'm going to do a part three of this ! 🫶🏼

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