29: The results

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Coriolanus huffed and held his knees bent over. He had made it just in time, but now he was a sweaty mess... Thankfully no one seemed to notice him running into the back room, which would be very embarrassing. "Well, hello there Mr. Snow," "Huh?" Coriolanus slowly stood up and looked in front of him. There stood Léo Mauvais with a smirk on his face, "It seems you had trouble getting here!" Mauvais chuckled and grinned wider, his hand slicking back his infuriating perfect dark hair. "Seems I did, "Coriolanus replied, crossing his arm. Mauvais's eyes narrowed for a split second, almost too fast to notice, but Coriolanus certainly did. "Haha, but of course that wouldn't be a problem for you would it dear Coriolanus? After all, you're the hero of the debate!" snarled Mauvais, his soulless grey eyes searching Coriolanus's. Coriolanus just chuckled, "of course sir, you are absolutely right!" "I'll see you later then," Mauvais, took a small bow, a grin plastered across his face, a grin that didn't quite reach his dark cloudy eyes. 

 As soon as he left Coriolanus sighed. He really disliked that man, how dare he disrespect him like that! Who did he think he was anyway? Well, whatever, he would deal with Mauvais later. Coriolanus reached down into his pants pocket and pulled out a small handkerchief. He might as well try and clean himself up as much as he possibly could. A soft creak behind him caused him to spin around, the handkerchief flying out of his grip. "What do you need Mau-" A short plump man with a mess of grey hair stood in front of him. He was obviously not Léo Mauvais. "Sorry sir, I thought you were someone else," Coriolanus laughed. The man smiled and took a step closer, "No problem my dear boy! It's only natural to be competitive!" "Well, you're right about that!"

The man chuckled and then coughed loudly, "Anyways, I'm here to tell you to get ready, we'll be calling you both very shortly, so can you please make your way to the door?" "Of course sir!" Coriolanus gave his best smile and turned his gaze back towards the floor, searching for his handkerchief. As soon as he spotted it resting against a dusty crate, he snatched it up and made his was towards the doors, fixing his hair as he went. 


 The sun was shining down on the large well-lit stage. The stage was huge,  it usually took around 10 men to set up and take down the stage, which thankfully they only had to do a few times a year. The audience buzzed as they awaited the announcement, some standing on their tip-toes to get a closer look. "Hello everyone!" a short man with grey hair strolled onto the stage and took his place behind a podium that was set up around the center of the stage, giving everyone a clear view of him. "Welcome to the presidential announcement!" The man smiled and gestured towards the crowd. "I am Spruce Silverspoon and I will be your host for today!" Silverspoon took a small bow and spun around to face the large oak door behind him. "Now let me introduce you to our first candidate!" 

 Léo Mauvais strode onto the stage, wearing a dark grey suit with a small sunflower pinned to the collar. He elegantly took his place behind a podium on the left and smiled, observing the crowd. "Hello, fine citizens of the Capital! How nice seeing you all gathered here for the announcement today!" Mauvais smirked and turned back towards Mr. Silversppon, "Well, I believe we should welcome in Mr. Snow now, don't you?" "Oh of course!"

Spruce Silverspoon turned back towards the crowd and again gestured at the large oak door. "Last but not least, let me welcome in Mr. Corioanus Snow!" Finally, It was his turn. Coriolanus strode on the stage, waving his uninjured hand as he went. The crowd cheered and stared at him in awe. After all, he was now seen as a hero, he had saved the life of a reporter with no concern for his own. Secretly Coriolanus hoped that it would help swing the votes in his favor and today he would find out. "Hello Capital!" he waved as he took his place behind the podium on the right. Silverspoon turned towards him and reached out his hand, fumbling slightly as he dodged all the bandages and casts. He eventually found the uninjured hand and shook it very enthusiastically. "Good to see you again Mr. Snow," he turned to look at both the candidates and continued, "Now shall we start the show?" Both men nodded and Silverspoon winked before spinning back towards the crowd. 

 "Well everyone, It's time for me to announce the next president of Panem!" The crowd quickly stopped talking and looked towards the stage, their expressions eager in anticipation. "Our winner has a heart of gold and nerves of steel, I hope we can all agree that he is truly the backbone of our great nation!" Silverspoon shuffled nervously and took out an envelope, with a ruby-red seal. "Now, please give a round of applause for the president of Panem," he took a dramatic breath, as the crowd stayed completely solid. Coriolanus stood there, silently fidgeting with Lucy Gray's guitar pick. He just wished to get this over with, his nerves were killing him!

 "Coriolanus Snow!"

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