16: A promise

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  A few hours later, Lucy Gray slipped back to the kitchen holding what seemed to be two large pieces of fabric. "Can I ask you something Coryo?" she said as she jumped onto the couch beside him. Slowly she lifted the first piece of fabric, dark forest green with a velvet texture. "How do you think this colour would look on me?" He thought momentarily, the dark green complimented her brown hair and eyes nicely. "I think anything you want to wear looks good on you but, to answer your question, I think it'll compliment your eyes," With a small smile Lucy Gray nodded and held up the other piece of fabric. It was light pink with a silk texture. He could already imagine her in a dress made from the material. "I think that one would look amazing," Coriolanus blushed as he leaned over and planted a gentle kiss on her neck. "You think?" Lucy Gray blushed and stood up. "Yup," "Alright then, thanks," and with that, she ran off towards Tigris's office again. 

when she had reached the door she turned around. "Hey, Coriolanus..." "Yes?" Coriolanus raised his eyebrow in question. "Do you think that maybe you could find a way to get the Covey to come and live in the Capital? I've talked to the nightclub owner and he says he would love to host them," Coriolanus tapped his chin in thought, how could he get them to the Capital? "I'll go ask around," He suddenly stood up, which startled Lucy Gray who was standing a few feet away from him. "See you later," Lucy Gray said, as she took a few steps forward and gave him a kiss before he headed out onto the stairs. 


 Coriolanus groaned as he slowly climbed the stairs up to the penthouse. Why must they be so long? When he finally got to the top he flopped down and sat with his back resting on the door. He had failed. No one he asked seemed to know how he should go about bringing the Covey to the Capital. Wait. Would Dr.Gaul know? He had tried to go to her lab but was blocked by a group of musicians. It's not like he could tell them to move as they were playing extremely loud. 

 Suddenly the door opened behind him and he fell backwards onto the floor. "Coryo?" Standing over top of him was Lucy Gray. She giggled and said, "Sorry, I was just going to peek out and see if you were on the stairs," He nodded and stood up. With a sigh, he brushed the dirt off his clothes and looked up at Lucy Gray. "So did you figure out anything?" Lucy Gray stood in front of him holding back her excitement. He didn't want to break the news to her. It would crush her. "Well um...I haven't figured anything out yet but I'm going to try again tomorrow," Lucy Gray nodded and to his surprise didn't seem disappointed, "Don't worry, we'll figure it out eventually. I didn't expect you to find a solution today," she slowly stepped forward and embraced him, running her fingers through his hair. "I'll make sure to find a way," Coriolanus whispered into her ear. She Broke apart and nodded, before heading back into the office. 

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