10: The afterparty

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 Coriolanus finally found Lucy Gray backstage. She spun around as he entered and ran up to him. As she leapt into his arms, he hugged her close. "You're a wonderful singer, Lucy Gray," he whispered. It was the truth, Coriolanus had never heard anyone that angelic sounding in his life. "Why did you choose that song?" With a small smile Lucy Gray pulled back, "I thought you'd like it," "I did, it reminded me of the first time I heard it," Lucy Gray gently traced her fingers along his jaw before asking, "What did you think of it then? I never got to ask you with..." she paused for a moment, choosing her next string of words carefully. "With everything that had happened," "Well if you must know, I almost cried," Lucy Gray's eyes widened in shock at his answer and  Coriolanus let out a soft chuckle before pulling her back into his embrace. "I didn't take you as the emotional type Coriolanus Snow," Lucy Gray giggled as he held her close. "I can be sometimes,"

"LUCY GRAY! That was excellent! All the views are up tremendously!" Lucky Flickerman walked around the corner and froze when he saw Coriolanus and Lucy Gray. He stood and laughed for a minute, "well this is unexpected," Coriolanus blushed and untangled himself from Lucy Grays's embrace. "The after party has started now, everyone's waiting for you both," Lucky signalled towards the door before heading out. "Coriolanus do we have to stay for long?" Lucy Gray took her position beside him, letting his arm guide her towards the party. "Of course not, let's just go for a few minutes. Make a quick appearance and then leave," she nodded and Coriolanus led her through a large white door and into the dimly light after-party.

Suddenly from all around them, people swarmed congratulating the pair. Coriolanus could feel Lucy Gray sway beside him. He thought she'd be used to the attention, working in the Hob and all. Maybe she wasn't feeling well? "Thank you all, but I think we better be leaving now," a small collected sigh emerged from the crowd, as Coriolanus weaved his way through the large crowd and towards the exit.

When they finally reach the crisp night air, Coriolanus takes a deep breath before turning to Lucy Gray, "Are you ok?" She nods slightly and leans into his arm for comfort. "Coriolanus..." "yeah?" "I couldn't stop thinking about the poor tributes, there must be a way to help them," So this is what she was upset about. It made sense. After all, she is a Victor. She knew firsthand what they were going through. Coriolanus took her hand and started walking towards the limo, "I'll brainstorm some ideas tonight, you're right we need more humane conditions. Especially if they're about to be put in the arena, it's the least we can do," Lucy Gray just nodded, it was obvious that she wanted to say something else but it looked like she didn't have the energy. Perhaps he had misunderstood what she said? Probably. After all, he found it very hard to read Lucy Gray compared to everyone else. 

 Coriolanus cleared his throat before pointing towards the white limo waiting for them. "Well the limo is back, shall we?" Lucy Gray took his hand without a word.


 The limo was completely silent for most of the ride until Lucy Gray spoke up "I know there's nothing you can do about it but...I just wish the Hunger Games could end," She turned around to look at him, watching his face for a reaction. Coriolanus thought for a moment, then decided it would be best not to tell her that he did believe that the games should continue. That would be way too risky. "yeah," That was all he, the master manipulator could come up with! Just a simple 'yeah'. Maybe she will think he's just tired.  At least that's what he hoped. Lucy Gray raised her eyebrow, "Yeah? Are you so tired that you aren't even listening to me," Great she bought it! Coriolanus shook his head, pretending to snap out of some daydream. He reached over and brushed the stray hairs behind her ear. "Sorry, I'm exhausted," "Me too," Lucy Gray yawned as she placed her head on his shoulder. The simple touch sent shivers up his spine. He really does love this girl...  

 The limo pulls up to the penthouse after a short 10-minute drive. With a small yawn, Coriolanus turned his head to look over at Lucy Gray, who was sleeping on his shoulder. "Hey, Lucy- oh you're asleep," With a small sigh, Coriolanus picked her up. She was lighter than he expected or maybe he was stronger than he thought. He climbed the entire staircase while carrying her on his back Since the elevator broke again. When he was finally near the top, he heard a giggle from behind him. "Lucy Gray, are you awake?" "Maybe," she whispered into the back of his curls. Coriolanus couldn't help but laugh, of course, she would make him carry her up the staircase she hated so much. 

Every since she had gotten there she had complained about how long the stairs were. He carried her up the rest of the steps and then planted her onto the ground in front of the door, "There you go, Your Majesty," "Why thank you," Lucy Gray curtsied, then burst into laughter. Coriolanus joined her, for a moment it was just them and their joy. 

 Finally, Coriolanus unlocked the door and stepped inside. "I'm going to head to bed, goodnight," Without thinking, he stepped forward and pulled Lucy Gray towards himself. Then he kissed her. Her soft lips on his made him queasy, god he loved this feeling so much. After a minute he pulled away and planted one more gentle kiss on her cheek, before heading off towards his room. Leaving Lucy Gray standing in the entrance, a giant grin on her face.

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