20: Accusations

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 Coriolanus stumbled into the penthouse after another long dull day of election planning. All he wanted to do was avoid talking to anybody and flop down in his bed. Unfortunately for him, as soon as he stepped into the building Lucy Gray ran up to him and gave him a tight hug. "Welcome home Croyo," He didn't respond, instead he pushed her off. Lucy Gray raised her eyebrow, "What's wrong with you?" "Nothing! Leave me alone!" Coriolanus scoffed and gently pushed her out of the way, before heading off towards his bedroom.

 "So manly of you, running away from all your problems, right Coriolanus Snow?!" He froze midstep. Damn it, he had gone too far. It's not like she had done anything wrong in the first place. but on the other hand, how dare she talk to him like that! "Right? Isn't that what you always do? When anything gets too bothersome, you leave someone else to deal with it," He spun around and a newfound anger flashed across his face. However Lucy Gray didn't back down. 

 "I can give you some examples if you want! Like when..." She stopped midsentence when Coriolanus took a step closer to her. "what happened to your examples Lucy Gray? I thought you had so many!" he glared at her and she glared right back. "Why have you been acting like such a bitch towards everybody lately Coriolanus?"

Coriolanus had to clench his fist to respond, "Maybe I'm not the one who's been acting like a bitch." he crossed his arms and waited for her response. She just laughed. "Oh trust me you are the one who has been acting like one," What could that mean?! How dare she stand in his house and treat him like this! He was about to say something when he heard rustling from the door behind him. Great Lucy Gray must have woken up the Grandma'am or something. Another thing for him to deal with!

  Tigris peeked her head around the corner, "Why are you yelling at Lucy Gray, Coriolanus?" What! He was not the one who had initiated this argument! Ugh, he hated everybody! "I'm not yelling Tigris," "Then why can I hear you from the other room?" Oh, guess he had been yelling but he had a reason to be! Unlike Lucy Gray. Coriolanus started to speak when Lucy Gray interrupted him, "Sorry for the noise Tigris," She flashed a quick smile in Tigris's direction and turned back to Coriolanus, her expression ice cold. "I'm going to stay in a hotel tonight, so don't you dare try and contact me," And with that, she left into the cold night.

 For a few minutes, the penthouse was silent. Then Tigris spoke up, "Coriolanus, come sit down," He walked over towards her and sat down on the couch. "What?" Tigris sighed, "I'm sorry to say but Lucy Gray is right, you have been acting rude towards everyone lately, are you ok?" 

 Oh, she was right. He hadn't meant to get angry at Lucy Gray. Especially since she had been nothing but kind to him. She was only trying to welcome him back and he snapped at her. Coriolanus buried his face in his hands. "I didn't mean to yell, I'll apologize once she gets back,"  

That's when the thought hit him, what if she never came back!? What if he had just lost her again!? It would be his fault just like the last time. Why was he always so stupid?! Always messing up everything good in his life. His best friend, his chances at university (although that had been fixed) and finally his girlfriend. He had messed up twice now when it came to Lucy Gray. That's way too many.

 Softly, Tigris ran her fingers through his hair. It calmed him instantly. "Coryo, you really ought to work on your anger management issues, I mean you keep doing this kind of thing," He knew she was right, but what could he do? "You're right, I'll figure something out after the election," Tigris nodded and stood up, leaving him alone in the dark living room. As she left, he noticed a small hint of sadness in her expression. 

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