21: a sad night

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  Coriolanus could hear the ticking of the clock beside his bed. He had been lying there for three hours now. Reflecting on what he's done. Honestly how much stupider could have been!? He'll have to find a way to make her forgive him. However, it will be extremely hard. He had been horrible to her once again. He didn't deserve her.

It was cold in his bedroom, the moon was casting a shadow down on his restless body. With a sigh Coriolanus rolled over, he couldn't believe he had snapped at Lucy Gray again. First in the forest and now here. Tigris was right, he didn't deserve her or anybody. Perhaps his idea of marrying someone he hated would have to become a reality. After all, why would Lucy Gray come back to him? He's been nothing but trouble for her.

Coriolanus rolled onto his stomach and buried his face in his pillow, muffling his angry tears. He was furious and disappointed with himself. At that moment, he swore that he would always treat Lucy Gray well from this point forward, no matter what. Suddenly Coriolanus's eyes flew open and he sprung out of bed. He rushed to his window and peeked outside. He had just had a horrible thought, what if Lucy Gray got hurt!? The Capital can be dangerous for a small woman at night. She couldn't fight! She survived in the Hunger Games solely because of her intelligence and the resources that he provided. He would never forgive himself if she got hurt or worse killed. No. He wouldn't let himself think like this, she's smart, she'll be ok.

Slowly he sat back down on his bed and reached for the alarm clock on his side table. It would be best to set an alarm and wake up early. He had to make sure she was back in the morning and couldn't risk sleeping in. However, he probably wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight anyway...so did it matter?....

Snow Lands On Top (book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon